Today is a sobering day as you know – SEPTEMBER 11.
We are reminded of the great battle from without! We will never forget.
But, let us also be careful not to overlook the great battle that is within as well. I speak of the battle for our families.
Irreplaceable is an exceptional movie with an inspiring message on God's plan for the family. We hope you’ll join us at one of our showings of “Irreplaceable,” scheduled for Friday (tomorrow), September 12 at 1:00 AND 7:00 P.M. and the following Friday, September 19 at 1:00 and 7:00 P.M.
Chris, my 25 year-old son, brought my attention (some months ago) to a new movie produced by Focus on the Family entitled “Irreplaceable”.
Being a young married man (yet, for 5 years already), I thought, 'well, good for him.' I mean, for me, with 44 years of marriage, I assumed that this would be good just for the younger generations.
Oops, I was wrong!
The movie speaks into people of all ages and stages. It is powerfully done with a few heart touching interviews with real, live people with real life hurts and sorrows that keep fighting on for their marriage, their kids, and their families.
Most of you reading this are on our mailing list because you have attended one of our movies or speakers here at American Decency Association. Together, with our audiences, we have been blessed, ministered, and/or challenged by presentations and/or movies.
Knowing how valuable time is to people like you and me, we are careful in terms of what we present to our audiences.
Admission is free though there will be a free will offering.
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