Reflections on #YesAllWomen: Women Don’t Exist for Male Pleasure

By: American Decency Staff

All men have in some fashion entertained or acted upon the idea that women exist for their pleasure. Believing it has only given men dissatisfaction and misery, and it has provoked objectification, hatred, and even violence toward women. Because Elliot Rodger believed that women exist for his pleasure, he went on a killing spree in Santa Barbara. Christians should not miss this opportunity to declare loudly that this belief about women is damaging and evil. While it is certainly true that women are also guilty of wrongdoing against men, this article serves mainly to address men. God desires to reform the false thinking about women that so many men in this world have swallowed and tolerated.

In reaction to the monstrous rampage, women and men have flooded Twitter feeds with the#YesAllWomen hash tag to join the protest against the misogyny and abuse of women. Many women felt comfortable to use the 140 character limit to share their stories of abuse, some for the first time ever. The demographic of the response on Twitter shows that wrongdoing against women occurs at every level of society—in fast food kitchens and law offices, in homes and even in churches.

God gave Eve to Adam as gift to be cherished and loved. God established equality between the male and female by creating each in his image, and he commanded them to represent his love and righteousness in their relationship and in their dominion over creation. But ever since the fall in which the human race rebelled against God, the sexes have perpetrated horrendous crimes against the other. Both mentally and physically, men have made women objects to satisfy their sinful desires.

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