Rank-And-File Democrats Nervous About Boycotting Benghazi Select Committee

By: American Decency Staff

A number of Democrats are arguing the caucus should appoint members to the soon-to-be formed Select Committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, saying not participating will give Republicans an open forum to launch political attacks on the administration.

While virtually all Democrats are united in opposing the formation of the committee, which will investigate the deaths of four Americans including ambassador Chris Stevens, rank-and-file Democrats argued during a closed-door meeting Wednesday leadership’s inclination to boycott the committee would be a mistake. As more members are starting to lean in favor of participating in the committee, the caucus will have another Friday morning meeting to debate the issue again before a final decision is made, sources said.

“I think it would be very valuable for people to see us fighting, particularly a fight I know we can win. The other side on this is clearly acting politically and they do not have a leg to stand on and I say that as someone who has spent hearing after hearing on Benghazi,” Rep. Jim Himes, a member of the House Intelligence committee, told BuzzFeed. “I think if we had a talented team of thoughtful, articulate members, we could draw a huge contrast between a nakedly political, fact-less other side,” added Himes, who is one of several members who has raised the issue during recent meetings with leadership.

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