Obama appoints Hamas Adviser Robert Malley to Senior Director at the National Security Council

By: American Decency Staff

President Obama has named Hamas adviser Robert O. Malley the senior director at the National Security Council (NSC). You may recall that Malley was foreign policy adviser to then-presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2007, and was fired from his campaign team in 2008 because of his notorious ties to Hamas, the PLO and other jihadist, anti-Israel groups.

Atlas readers are long familiar with this subversive jihad operative. As early as 2007 and  2008 (and repeatedly throughout the campaign and in my book), I warned Atlas readers of the troubling relationship between Robert O. Malley and Barack Hussein Obama.

Robert Malley told the NY Times that he had regularly been in contact with Hamas, which is designated a  terrorist organisation by the State Department.

– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/02/obama-appoints-hamas-adviser-robert-malley-senior-director-national-security-council.html/#sthash.fkyE9lHE.dpuf

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