Obama Administration Threatened Nigeria with Sanctions in 2013 for Fighting Boko Haram

By: American Decency Staff

This is too monstrous for words. Here is yet more evidence of what I contended years ago: that Obama had switched sides in the war on terror — even before Benghazi. And the heads exploded on the left (here).

And I was right.

“Obama Administration Threatened Nigeria with Sanctions in 2013 for Fighting Boko Haram,” by Fred Dardick, Canada Free Press, May 14, 2014:


Hillary Clinton wasn’t the only Obama administration official who went to bat for Boko Haram over the past few years.

– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/05/obama-administration-threatened-nigeria-sanctions-2013-fighting-boko-haram.html/#sthash.pIh2yArY.dpuf

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