I received a call from WZZM (channel 13 – Grand Rapids) desiring to interview me regarding marriage:
“We are trying to find someone to share their opinion on the trial beginning Tuesday on Michigan's Constitutional Amendment regarding gay marriage. We have been unable to get anyone from the anti-gay marriage side to talk with us on camera. We are able to find plenty of people talking about pro-gay marriage. We want to provide balanced coverage but can not do that without someone coming forward. Could you please contact me at 616-559-1300 or 616-970-1588 and discuss a possible interview.”
I interviewed with WZZM this morning. It is scheduled to air tonight during local news during the 5:30 – 6:30 time frame.
I did take the opportunity to talk with the news team via phone and as they were here to interview me regarding why it is that people are reluctant to interview on this topic.
I’m hoping that even some of that is presented in my interview.
I also took the opportunity to use Dave Agema as an example. I said here is a wonderful man, a patriot, a married man faithful to his wife and family, yet vilified for standing up for Biblical positions. I said rather than representing him fairly, a few comments were used against him that he has since acknowledged. Leaving all of us to recognize that there is no room for a misspoken word and/or taking out of context something we’ve written or posted and using it to degrade us.
See for yourself. I say this with hesitation for obvious reasons. My desire is that I primarily represented the Lord and His standards with grace and truth.
One last important word regarding part-time legislature petitions!!!!
According to watchdogwire.com, Michigan lawmakers are “the 4th highest paid in America.” Did you know that 46 states have part-time legislatures running their capitals instead of full-time career politicians? Let’s re-invent Michigan by encouraging our politicians to serve instead of being served. We need to collect more than 400,000 signatures to put a Part-time Legislature Amendment on the ballot for the general election, on Tuesday, November 4th, 2014.
Petitions are printed and ready to sign. If you’d like to help gather signatures in Newaygo County you can contact the American Decency Association at (231) 924-4050.
If you’d like to get petitions for other counties or find other ways to help, you can contact The Committee to Restore Michigan’s Part-Time Legislature at www.parttimemi.com
To support our efforts please click hereor mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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