Minneapolis Mayor Wears Hijab to Meet Somali Muslims

By: American Decency Staff

Preemptive submission to sharia…aka dhimmitude, via Star Tribune. h/t LUTBOI

In her first 100 days in office, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges has held hands with the Dalai Lama and traveled to the White House. She has spent a fifth of her time traveling for business: Three trips to Washington, D.C., two to New York City and one to Portland, Ore. But she has not pushed many new plans, instead building her own team and deepening relationships, particularly with Somali-Americans.

…hours after she lost the Southwest light-rail vote, she visited a Somali mall on E. 24th Street in a blue hijab, accompanied by her Somali liaison, Abdirahman Muse. Hodges’ office said she is fulfilling many of the promises she put forth in a 100-day plan for the Somali community, including asking the city attorney for a review of small business regulations.

In an upstairs room, Somali shopkeepers praised her for showing up, and poured out their concerns through translators, telling her they needed more space to park, more opportunities for idle youth, and more Somali police officers.

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