Michigan gay marriage battle focuses on kids

By: American Decency Staff

tate gay marriage laws are under attack in courts across the land, but the legal battle over gay marriage in Michigan has broken new ground as a federal court has weighed — and rejected — research questioning the impact of same-sex unions on children.

The dismissal of scholarly research on the children of gay couples met with anger from defenders of traditional marriage, who see that argument as a key pillar of their defense of state laws and statutes against gay marriage.

“The overwhelming weight of the scientific evidence supports the ‘no differences’ viewpoint,” U.S. District Judge Bernard A. Friedman said Friday in a ruling that overturned the state’s marriage amendment as requested by lesbian plaintiffs April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse.

Read more: http://p.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/25/michigan-gay-marriage-battle-focuses-on-kids/#ixzz2x51qFGpm
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