Mayweather’s Fight for the Right to Life

By: American Decency Staff

In case you haven't heard of Floyd Mayweather, his undefeated record of now 51-0 makes him a living legend, although not often a role model; and if you haven't heard about his recent social media controversy, Floyd recently posted a sonogram of his and his fiancé's unborn twins. He explained that "the real reason me and Shantel Christine Jackson… broke up was because she got a abortion, and I'm totally against killing babies. She killed our twin babies."

Aside from the obvious lack of judgment for posting medical records and airing such a personal attack in front of the whole world, Mayweather deserves our shared mourning.

"She killed our twin babies."

It doesn't get any rawer than that.

Sadly, what's controversial is not that his fiancé had an abortion, or even that she did it without his input and even lied about it to him (she told him she miscarried). The controversy is over the fact that he called her out on it! Admittedly, there were much more mature ways to handle something this serious and obviously personal, but that's not what has people talking.

What so many who are outraged at the boxer don't seem to understand is that those were his kids, too. It may be simple for pro-"choice" advocates to reflexively shout "her body, her choice," but half of the DNA in those babies was from him. Whether or not she decided to recognize their humanity doesn't change that.

When I heard about Mayweather's recent mourning of his aborted children, I started to do a little research into the welterweight champion. I found that this is by no means his first time splashing drama over the front page of the sports section. A quick search revealed stories of cheating, physical abuse, out-of-wedlock children, outrageous smack talk, and unforgivable cockiness. As I said before, he's not a great role model.

No matter who it is, however, it is always encouraging to hear someone step out so strongly against abortion and it is always sad to hear of lives devastated by it.

Not only that, but Mayweather's outrage highlights the awful position the fathers of aborted children can be put in.

The Federalist's Amy Otto makes a great point, "It’s been such a frequent rejoinder in abortion politics to demand “choice” that people have ignored what that message of choice means to a man. Men were told to treat sex as transactional, inconsequential, and, worse, to step back from its natural consequences. Women get angry when they see any man dare say he is pro-life. It’s a strange thing to shame a man for seeing a little baby and thinking it deserves protection. Even more dissonant is the woman who can’t recognize this viewpoint isn’t to dominate her, but recognition and respect for the power women uniquely have.

You will never, ever see a man admire a woman more than the day he meets the child they made together. He’ll be humbled and awed all in one shot. Grant him that space to honor and protect life."

Floyd Mayweather lost that opportunity and he has a right to mourn that loss. Would it have been better if he had done it without attacking his former sweetheart?  Absolutely. But he also deserves credit for calling abortion what it is: killing babies.

In short, we can criticize Mayweather's dramatic approach, but the man was mourning the death of his kids and surely that deserves  understanding for the grief that he is experiencing and will experience for the rest of his life.


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