As the president and his administration look to stretch and bend God’s definition of marriage to an almost unrecognizable shape, they lead more than a nation. They are leading a culture and a society hoping to strengthen their goals of redefinition. They are molding the minds of children and leading even the “church” into an apathetic stupor. As the term marriage gets expanded it not only loses some of its exclusiveness but, the word itself, also loses some of its sacredness. As they call good evil and evil good, one can’t help but tremble at God’s impending judgment.
As the president “evolves” in his understanding of the word marriage, he pushes for greater rights of the LGBT community while diminishing the rights of those who stand for a biblical definition of marriage: one man and one woman, in covenant with Him, until death do they part.
It’s not just a matter of personal rights either; this administration is also hijacking State sovereignty, while adding to the strength of the federal government, in their latest move by the Justice Department to extend benefits to same-sex couples in every state.
Currently, only 17 states and the District of Columbia recognize same-sex marriages; however, the Justice Department would force these rights and benefits upon even those states that don’t recognize same-sex “marriage”. Attorney General Eric Holder tries to rationalize this constitutional abuse, stating, “The Justice Department’s role in confronting discrimination must be as aggressive today as it was in Robert Kennedy’s time.”
Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, warns, "This is just the latest in a series of moves by the Obama administration, and in particular the Department of Justice, to undermine the authority and sovereignty of the states to make their own determinations regulating the institution of marriage. The changes being proposed here to a process as universally relevant as the criminal justice system serve as a potent reminder of why it is simply a lie to say that redefining marriage doesn't affect everyone in society."
President Obama and his administration have been strongly pushing two agendas while ignoring serious problems both at home and abroad. He’s been almost exclusively focused on the LGBT agenda and the expansion of the Federal government, much to the detriment of those who hold to traditional and Constitutional values.
As the Federal government “evolves” and oversteps its Constitutional boundaries, it steps onto the neck of State’s rights and personal rights as well. With every slash of his pen this administration unconstitutionally invades our privacy, takes more of our checks, forces us to act contrary to our consciences, makes us buy their products against our wills and the list goes on and on. With each of these personal violations also comes an unconstitutional act against the State’s rights and sovereignty. This should deeply concern us.
The Federal government was created to be a small beast with enumerated powers; however, well before this administration took office, the Federal government has been bending and stretching their rights and the definition of those powers much akin to the way they are redefining marriage. With every bite out of the constitution this beast grows and grows. The Federal government was to be a protector of the people not to be parasitic on the people. It was to be a guarantor of our inalienable rights given by God instead of a grabber of those rights.
With each unchecked thievery of State and personal rights this parasitic beast grows, believes itself to be invincible and arrogantly steps further and further outside its realm into yours. The only peaceful answer to this problem is to throw off the tyrannical chains being put upon us and to put a “Constitutional leash” around the neck of this over-reaching administration and Federal government. The Constitution, our national governing law, gives us this right but we must become aware of our rights and demand that our representatives in Congress defend our legal rights instead of kowtowing to big money, big politics, and big egos.
The churches in our founding era would have jumped all over these things like a chicken on a junebug; but sadly, many pulpits today are silent on the important topics surrounding our freedoms. They refuse to speak of political issues for fear of financial or government retaliation. Rise up O church of God and make the truth well-known! It’s God who has raised us up; let us tell our children, our congregations and our congress the words of President Ronald Reagan, “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”
We the people need to remind congress and the government that this is a nation UNDER GOD; it is to be a government OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people. Let us hold the feet of our representatives to the fire of liberty or let them know they’ll be fired. Let us strongly encourage our representatives in government to stand for the Constitution and against unconstitutional policies. Let us exhort our pastors to stand on biblical truth; and let us lift up both in prayer as we ourselves take constitutional and biblical stands.
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