
By: American Decency Staff



The primary election is coming up  – TODAY.

Have you been thinking about it?  Studying up on the candidates and/or the proposals?

Below is a helpful tool – a Michigan primary election tool where each candidate that is running opposed has been thoroughly and carefully vetted.

When you type in your name, zip code, etc., you will see the candidates running in your particular district.

It will show you based upon voting records (where it applies), endorsements, and comments from panelists researching the variety of data – how the candidate is categorized.  – i.e. very conservative, conservative, moderate, somewhat liberal, liberal or I (not enough information).

 Go to




This is a difficult one. 

Our friend Dave Agema (former state legislator from Hudsonville – 74th district), now National Republican committee member, gives his thoughts regarding Proposal 1.

Dave Agema weighs in as follows: “VOTE NO.”

 “The big companies want it because it helps them, I get that, but it's a tax shift and ultimately a tax increase, the legislature in its lack of backbone has slipped this in so they can say" you voted for it" when the new tax authority raises your taxes.  They should have just eliminated it, but they want the revenue – i.e. more money to spend.”


Steve Willis, Chairman Clinton County Republican Party, states this about Proposal 1:

“Yes we want to end the personal property taxes for businesses, AND the personal income tax for individuals.  Michigan is one of only nine states with a personal income tax.  Proposal 1, however, is a progressive plan to perpetually protect government by raising taxes at the rate of inflation. Regardless of need, quality of service, or our personal situation, government will be protected and unaccountable. It creates un-elected local taxing authorities and more state bureaucracy. It is not a conservative plan and as co-founder of the Tax Limitation Amendment I believe it is illegal – unconstitutional. The language on the ballot is a devious and false sales pitch, and that alone deserves a NO vote.  Michigan 's budget is $11 Billion more than Georgia that has 100,000 more residents. Michigan 's budget increase next year would fund the PPT cut for 10 years. We do not need these tricky tax schemes to end the PPT. We just need frugal government withcorrect priorities.”

Citizens for Traditional Values (Lansing) – CTV states the following:
“CTV does not support nor oppose Proposal 1. 

Our hope is that this website will be a source for you to learn more about the topic. Consider it a place to start as you explore whether this is a proposal you wish to support or oppose.”


photo credit: KCIvey via photopin cc

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