Planting the seeds of Islam into any country is arguably the best way to destroy the roots of that country. Erick Stakelbeck, a terrorism expert and author of the book “The Brotherhood: America’s Next Great Enemy,” states, “The Muslim Brotherhood in America and really around the world are like termites. They burrow into a host society. They eat away at it until the day comes where they are ready to make their move.” That is the idea of “civilization jihad.” There is the violent jihad that takes place from time to time but what we are obliviously experiencing on a daily basis, in America, is “civilization jihad.”
While many may feel that it’s just a matter of religions, one must remember that Islam is not just a religion. Islam is a complete system that hides under a guise of religion. Islam is a legal system, an educational system, a social system, a dietary system; it’s a comprehensive system that encroaches upon every area of life. It’s a complete system that runs completely contrary to the Constitution. We’ve seen how the roots of this “religion” have grown its tendrils into virtually every area of American society today.
Islamists have pressed for Shariah Law to be implemented into American courts; and some Muslims have been able to get away with atrocious crimes because of it. Some politicians have attempted to bring legislation which opposes Shariah law; after all, this is America with its own courts and its own laws. Islamic Shariah law is being imposed upon American companies, law enforcement, and the public in general, giving special rights to Muslims that neither Christians nor non-Christian Americans could get away with. Most recently we’ve seen it infiltrate our military allowing beards and turbans for adherents of Islam while crosses or other Christian religious symbols are denied to the adherents of Christianity.
Indoctrination to Islam is being pushed in our public schools as children have been forced to memorize and act out portions of the Koran, been assigned roles, as “Muslims”, to be lived out for a week, and been made to wear burqas. Some public schools are teaching that Muhammad is God’s messenger and other children are made to draw the five pillars of Islam. There were even Muslims which came into the public schools to hand out Islamic proselytizing literature; and yet in another school, Muslim high school students demanded prayer accommodations. When have Christians recently been able to do these things without difficulty or retaliation? Even football practices have been re-scheduled to accommodate Ramadan, and all these things are done regardless of other students’ religious beliefs.
Shariah particularly presses into politics as President Obama declared at an UN General Assembly, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” With statements like this and while our president has ignored the leader of Israel (perhaps our greatest ally) but shows greater respect for a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, we may have reason for concern. When our president appears to have an ideology tied more to Islam than traditional America, how are we to stay safe in an age of terrorism? When he surrounds himself with Muslims, a people who have promised to destroy this country, what are we to do? He makes policies that are dangerous for America but friendly to our enemies.
It seems that whenever one would speak a word of warning about the undermining and erosion of our culture where these things are concerned we hear the rebuttal of “Islamophobia!” Point out that this is a religion not an ethnic group; the response is, “Islamophobia! Discrimination!” State that it’s a religion based on violence and hatred for those who are not in agreement with them and hear the cry “Intolerant! Islamophobia!”
Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs reports that the word “Islamophobia” was a term invented in a Muslim think tank; “It is a device, a thought crushing device to stifle and to stop all criticism of Islam.”
It seems to be working too. Take the Fort Hood shooting for example. The shooter was handing out the Koran that morning, his business card said, “Soldier of Allah,” and as he shot patriotic Americans he shouted, “Allahu Akbar” (a jihadist war cry). Even after all this it was labeled workplace violence instead of a jihad terror event.
As this administration enables a nuclear Iran, emboldens and finances the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, supports Al Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, as he puts Muslims in key positions and scrubs all counter-terrorism materials of Islam and jihad, we should be greatly concerned. As this administration jokes about Christian persecution while removing the section of the state report which deals with the status of religious minorities around the world, we should take notice. As we see a decrease in border security, a decrease in common sense issues and a decrease in upholding our Constitution we should be alarmed.
As Pamela Geller succinctly states, “By emboldening our enemy, by arming our enemy, by enriching our enemy, we are literally sharpening the blade of our own executioners.”
So with all this that’s going on, what should we do?
Today, much of the media is a propaganda press; so, go to trusted news sources to keep abreast of what’s going on. Instead of being misdirected by a political sleight of hand we must keep our focus on the real issues. We need to keep them in mind, looking on the horizon with diligence. If not, when the dust has settled, the very thing we should have been concerned about will lay unnoticed under the rubble of whatever we were misdirected to.
Be diligent in checking out names of appointees to know who they are and the agendas they may bring. Don’t get so caught up in a big media event that you neglect to see other problems that are before your eyes or out on the horizon. Pay attention and be on guard!
Know the Constitution; make sure your Congressmen know it, abide by it and defend it.
Pray for your nation, the president and the media. Inform others and pray for those who hate you.
Below are several very informative resources for further insight into this concern.
Click here for an article which lists an 18 point platform to send to your Congressman proposing to stop the Islamization of America.
For Islamic and Muslim news updated several times a day go to
For more Islamic and Muslim news check out:
Listen to Frank Gaffney’s daily broadcast at: click on the “Secure Freedom Radio: latest podcast” and scroll down the page for archived broadcasts.
For Frank Gaffney’s 10 part series on the Muslim Brotherhood in America go to: This is the most powerful instructional and informational video series available today and is free of charge.
Usama Dakdok presents the truth about Islam and broadcasts daily. To see his website and learn more go to:
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