If ‘Gays’ Hate Haters, ‘Gays’ Should Hate Islam

By: American Decency Staff

If they were your only news source, the Western media and leftist politicos globally would have you believe that those in the “gay” lifestyle, and Muslims, are the most persecuted people on the planet.



Funny thing is this: One of these groups just happens to be persecuted – and even murdered – by the other.

Muslims under Sharia Islamic Law (derived from the Quran and Hadiths) are called to hate and even kill those in the homosexual lifestyle.

Is that news to you? It shouldn’t be.

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2014/04/05/gays-hate-haters-focus-islam/#l8aq8lO2v0D2Q1f5.99

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