Hannibal’s depraved depths and the advertisers who empower it

By: American Decency Staff

“Sure, it's amazing that a show this gruesome even airs on a network in the first place. But now that we've gotten a taste of Hannibal Lecter's carnivorous delights, we're hungry for more.  …”  So writes an entertainment reporter on Yahoo.com, about NBC’s “Hannibal.” 

Last week network officials began announcing which television shows have been officially renewed for next season and which didn’t made the cut.  With bottom-of-the-barrel ratings, “Hannibal” was reportedly on the bubble – it could go either way. 

While “Hannibal’s” ratings have been consistently terrible compared to other network shows during the same time slot, (the last episode garnered a measly 0.9 ratings share), the show is the darling of entertainment critics, such as the writer above.

For any other television show, it would be a no brainer for network execs – the show would have been cancelled last year after its first season.  But as is typical with television, the shows which arrogantly cross the boundaries of morality and common decency are the ones which receive critical acclaim.

Another entertainment writer urgently tries to entice viewers to tune in for “Hannibal” with a piece entitled:  “Three Reasons You Should Catch Up On NBC’s “Hannibal.”  The author’s second item on the list reads in part:

2. It’s the most interesting show about murder on TV.

… “Hannibal” is different in that focuses in on the minds of people who kill for the joy of killing. Most of the time, these killers have nothing to gain except a perverse happiness.  …the killers aren’t demonized like they are on other procedurals. The audience is placed in a weird position where we kind of understand their motives.”

This writer’s reason to encourage viewers to watch “Hannibal,” is the same reason why we are so concerned for those who do tune in each week – the show doesn’t demonize murder; it does depict killing for the joy of killing, and it can easily cause viewers to “understand” the killer and his motives.  In other words, it fosters rationalization and empathy with a cannibalistic serial killer. 

Not in spite of – but because of such twisted themes – is why this critic wants “Hannibal” renewed!

Yet another reviewer on tv.com gives his opinion:  “Hannibal is great, we all know that. But it's a ratings sinkhole … Hannibal's best defense is that it's a prestige show for NBC, as it's adored by critics … but at what point does the network completely bail on prestige and start worrying about keeping the lights on? Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised to see Hannibal get cut ….

OUR GUESS: Hannibal doesn't return to NBC, but it doesn't die. Someone else picks it up (Netflix? Amazon? DirecTV?) and we finally get to add some cursing and nudity to all that beautiful gore. Now that would be delicious!

Note:  Unfortunately, this reviewer’s guess was wrong.  As we finalized this email, NBC just announced that it is renewing “Hannibal” for a third season – this, in spite of the show’s dismal ratings.  As Entertainment Weekly reported:  “NBC has renewed the perpetual bubble show for another round despite very low ratings on Friday nights.”

Anne Donahue, writing for  Great Britain’s The Guardian, tries to figure out why viewers aren’t tuning in for this gruesome, abhorrent show, asking  “… why is Hannibal floundering?”

The reporter praises the show for its “grossness” and describes it as “stylish, beautifully shot and the cast is outstanding, so why is Hannibal not connecting with audiences …?  …

After extolling NBC's Hannibal and scratching her head as to why the show is in trouble, the writer finally concludes that perhaps the show is “too real.”

“Hannibal is about the most depraved depths of human nature,”she writes. 

“The series dares viewers to invest in the journey of a cold, unfeeling murderer.  … He kills and then eats people because that’s what he is compelled to do.

“I wonder if audiences are rejecting that darkness ….”

While 2 million viewers tune in each week for Hannibal, tens of millions have rejected the darkness of this show. 

However, numbers of advertisers have not rejected the show, but continue to empower Hannibal week after week.  Regular sponsors include:  Kraft, Red Lobster and Olive Garden, Allegra, T-Mobile, Verizon, Dyson, and Nasacort.  See below for the latest list of advertisers.

Click here to send a message to the companies empowering this depraved show.  While "Hannibal" may have been renewed, if NBC can’t sell advertising, it won’t remain on the air.

Sponsors of “Hannibal” include:

Olive Garden
Red Lobster
Jared the Galleria of Jewelry
Kay Jewelers
Zales Jewelers
Claritin – D
Capital One
Tempur-pedic mattresses
Little Caesar’s Pizza


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