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From Hallmark Hall of Fame movies to heartwarming Hallmark card television commercials, the name Hallmark is seemingly synonymous with “family.” Yet Hallmark’s definition of family is not what it seems.
Last May, Hallmark debuted “Mother’s Day” cards for lesbian mothers. One card stated: “… When it comes to big hearts, moms are second to none. How does anyone ever get by with just one?”
Now Hallmark gay wedding cards are appearing across the country in stores which sell Hallmark cards. Here is a letter we recently received from one of our supporters:
I want to tell about a very upsetting incident I had recently at our Kohl’s Department Store here in Grand Blanc. I was shopping for a 50th anniversary card for friends when my eye caught the images shown on the photos I’ve enclosed. [see above] My initial thought was “oops’ someone made a big printing boo-boo on these cards. But then I noticed the white labels on the card dividers, “Two Grooms” and “Two Brides!” This was a very disturbing discovery for me. This is just another incidence of forcing the gay marriage lifestyle down the throats of God-fearing people. Now shoppers, and their children, will believe if Hallmark sells gay greeting cards, that lifestyle must be normal and acceptable behavior. If that lifestyle is not being promoted, a traditional wedding card for any “couple” would do. But, when “Mr. & Mr.” or “Mrs. & Mrs.” is on the front of the card, there is nothing subtle about the not-so-hidden agenda. We are certainly becoming more and more desensitized to a lifestyle that must be grieving our Lord greatly. I am very disgusted and so disappointed that Hallmark would succumb to the pressure of the gay pride population and profit by pushing that agenda on greeting cards! How sad ….
I went to the customer service department at Kohl’s that day and asked to speak to a manger. I took him back to the greeting card section and pointed out the objectionable cards to him. He was not aware that they were in the card rack and seemed surprised and saddened by it. He told me that Hallmark vendors fill the racks and Kohl’s has no control over that process. I asked him to please discuss this problem at their staff meeting and see if something could be done about it. He assured me that would happen. But, as of last week, the cards are still in the rack. …
These Hallmark “Two Grooms” and “Two Brides” cards were even stocked recently at the Brigham Young University bookstore. BYU is affiliated with the Mormon church. However, after discovering the cards, which had been placed in the bookstore by a Hallmark vendor, BYU pulled the cards from display and made it known to the supplier that cards promoting same-sex “marriage” wouldn’t be accepted by the store.
According to BYU spokesperson Carri Jenkins, the outside vendor stocked the shelves without realizing the school wouldn’t want to sell the cards marketed to buyers celebrating unions between two brides and two grooms. “We’ve been able to work with them,” she said.
Even though this example is from Brigham Young University, it demonstrates that retailers do have the right to refuse certain merchandise. The Kohl’s claim that they have no control over the merchandise they stock is nonsense. They could easily communicate to Hallmark that they do not wish to carry the gay “marriage” cards.
I checked my local Wal-Mart which offers Hallmark cards, but I did not find any “two grooms” and two brides” cards. So, obviously, not all stores which carry Hallmark cards are required to sell gay “marriage” cards.
The writer of the letter above concluded her note to us with these words: “sadly the battle for good wages on.” Indeed, it does. Will you join that battle?
Check out the Hallmark cards in places where you shop. If you find stores promoting homosexual “marriage” do what this dear lady did and courteously speak to the store manager, urging that they not carry cards promoting same-sex “marriage.” Don’t accept the excuse that the store has no control over the cards Hallmark vendors stock.
Also, contact both Kohl’s and Hallmark to express your concern. See below for contact information.
Attn: Donald Hall, Jr – President & CEO
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
P.O. Box 419034
Mail Drop 216
Kansas City, MO 64141-6580
Attn: Kevin Mansell – President & CEO
Kohl's Department Stores
N56 W17000 Ridgewood Drive
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051
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