Good News! Easter Is A Declaration of War!

By: American Decency Staff

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Why is it that apocalyptic movies, books, and video games are so popular right now? Every other day, a new zombie apocalypse video game is being released. Piles and piles of end-of-the-world novels have been written in recent years. The National Geographic Channel airs a show called “Doomsday Preppers”, in which men and women build bunkers and teach their children to fire semi-automatic rifles. The Left Behind book series sold hundreds of millions of copies. Recently, Hollywood has released Contagion, World War Z, Battle: Los Angeles, Oblivion, Pacific Rim, and countless other apocalyptic movies.

I think one reason the apocalypse is such a popular theme is that it doesn’t require a big stretch of the imagination. Face it: life is really, really hard, people can be really, really bad, and it often looks like the world is falling apart. Russia is invading Ukraine. BP is pumping millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. A young man walks into a school and kills twenty young children. A friend gets cancer. A child is diagnosed with autism. We are constantly teetering on the edge of the apocalypse as it is.

The utter pervasiveness of evil is why Easter is such a precious holiday. Easter isn’t about candy, Sunday dresses, ham dinners, or Easter egg hunts.

Easter is about the Son of God declaring a Holy War on Satan and evil. 

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