Friend of Boston Marathon jihad bombers attacked FBI agent after agreeing to give statement about his involvement in jihad murders

By: American Decency Staff

At least two of the three victims of the September 11, 2011 throat-slashing were Jews. The Qur’an designates the Jews the worst enemies of the Muslims (5:82) and directs believers to “strike the necks” of the unbelievers (47:4).

Hamas-linked CAIR is enraged that Todashev was killed, but now the Obama Justice Department, despite its anxiousness to appease Islamic supremacists, have declared that the shooting was justified in self-defense, as Todashev was running amok in one last jihad.

“Friend of Boston Marathon bombing suspect threatened FBI agent, prosecutor says,” from the Associated Press, March 25 (thanks to Pamela Geller):

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