Frack attack: Obama endangers energy supply

By: American Decency Staff

The Obama administration’s brand-new strategy to regulate methane emissions in its fight against so-called global warming is, in effect, an attack on the fracking industry, and could have profound consequences on America’s energy security.

In its newly released study, titled “Climate Action Plan: Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions,” the White House seeks to reduce methane gas emissions from four sources, landfills, coal mines and agriculture, along with oil and gas point sources.

Dairy farmers and cattle ranchers were quick to respond to the report. These groups are fearful that the “voluntary strategies” to reduce methane emissions by 25 percent by 2020 in dairy farms and feed lots will put additional burdens on these industries and drive some smaller operators out of business. Americans will see the effects with even higher meat and dairy prices at the market.


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