Father of Navy SEAL Killed in Benghazi Has Some Select Words for the Obama Administration After Latest Revelations

By: American Decency Staff

In an exclusive interview with Sean Hannity on Friday, Charles Woods, the father of Benghazi hero and former Navy SEAL Ty Woods, hit back at the Obama administration and those who claim there are no more unanswered questions regarding the 2012 terrorist attack in Libya.

Newly-released emails — referred to as a “smoking gun” by some — reveal an apparent coordinated effort to portray the Benghazi attacks as the result of a video as opposed to a terrorist attack in order to protect President Barack Obama’s reelection chances. Reports and even congressional testimony indicate the intelligence community knew almost immediately the Benghazi attacks were terrorism-related.

When asked if he felt he was intentionally lied to, Woods recalled his meeting with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at Andrews Air Force Base back in September of 2012.

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