A special thanks to all attendees of ADA’s 2014 Summer Conference. If the survey results, the attendance, the comments, hugs and thanks following our time together this past Friday night are any indication, it was a huge success.
Thank you to our team of volunteers, prayer and financial supporters, friends and family! To God be the Glory – that was our desire. We believe that, indeed, God was glorified!
Kamal Saleem led off with a powerful message entitled “Unveiling the Truth”. In his 40 minute message Kamal covered significant ground discussing the founding of America with God’s amazing grace – blessing America with spiritual and Biblical foundation, Godly leaders typified by America’s first President, George Washington; God’s blessing of Religious freedom included in the Bill of Rights.
Kamal then invoked the name of Saul Alinsky describing Alinsky’s degrading book – Rules for Radicals and delineated specifics regarding evidences of the impact that Alinsky – a radical “community organizer (communist) – had upon President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and others in high places.
With those talking points being covered, Kamal challenged us as Americans to recognize that the battle over our border, marriage, the sanctity of life, religious freedom – as battles that are intentionally being foisted upon us to degrade and destroy liberty: the very life blood of America!
Mat Staver’s message was entitled “Living in the Shade of Vesuvius”. Mat set the stage for his message by telling of a recent trip that he and his wife took to the Mediterranean where they were able to visit the ruins of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD. The people had been utterly caught off guard by the first surge of volcanic eruption and died of thermal shock but not of carbonization, although some were partly carbonized by later and hotter surges. In other words, the bodies of the people were left in a petrified state. You could and still can see them sitting at the tables where they were sitting or standing going about their regular activities. They were caught unsuspecting.
Mat Staver came away from his family getaway to the Mediterranean burdened with the reality that millions upon millions of Americans are living lives oblivious to the multiple endangering threats right before our very eyes.
It was a gripping picture that evoked significant thought and audience response.
Many of us, though, are not oblivious to the soft-tyranny that is upon us: ObamaCare, a diminishment of the U.S. military (sequestration), the opening up of our borders and the special treatment being given to illegal immigrants at the expense of our very own citizens who are also in need of employment, the assault upon traditional marriage and the aggressive legitimization of homosexuality, transgenderism, bisexuality.
Though many of us recognize there are many who are clueless as to the assault upon Constitutional America, we don’t know what that growing assault will mean for us in the future.
Mat addressed this by saying that no one knows specifically what it might look like when we as American citizens and Christians – desiring to be living in obedience to our Christian conscience, obeying the Bible rather than “Caesar” – will be commanded by “Caesar” to go against Biblical principles of the sanctity of life and/or Biblical marriage, for example.
What is one to do if and when our government attempts to force us to disregard our God given right of Freedom of Religion?
Mat gave a word picture of the citizen revolt against Romania in 1989 where the communist Stalinist Ceausescu regime became increasingly brutal and repressive. Ceausescu maintained controls over speech and the media that were very strict even by Soviet-bloc standards, and internal dissent was not tolerated. His secret police was one of the most ubiquitous and brutal secret police forces in the world. Extreme shortages of food, fuel, energy, medicines, and other basic necessities drastically lowered living standards and intensified unrest.
Ceausescu’s regime collapsed after he ordered his security forces to fire on anti-government demonstrators in 1989 after leaders of the persecuted Church in Romania took a bold stand.
Staver was merely stating that many are recognizing the growing encroachment of our federal government exercising authority that is beyond the scope of the U.S. Constitution that they took an oath to uphold. It’s time for the church in America to likewise boldly stand against tyranny.
Order here for the two DVD set priced at $15.00 for the two messages. Call 231-924-4050 to order these two DVD set: “Facing Down Vesusvius”.
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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