Distribution List of ‘Smoking Gun’ Benghazi Email Included Muslim Brotherhood AGENT

By: American Decency Staff

Obama is so in bed with our enemies it should scare the living daylights of every rational American.  By and large Obama pursues a Muslim Brotherhood policy. He aids the Brotherhood in Egypt and Syria. And America (e.g. CAIR, ISNA, MSA et al).

More on the Muslim Brotherhood embeds in his administration.
Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood’s penetration of the Obama administration” (here).

As for Benghazi, there never was a video. And Libya was jihad, a well-coordinated  Islamic terrorist attack. The violent protest at the US embassy was for the release of the blind sheikh, mastermind of the ’93 World Trade Center attack.

– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/05/distribution-list-smoking-gun-benghazi-email-included-muslim-brotherhood-agent.html/#sthash.rz2tMv5k.dpuf

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