Debate of the Century

By: American Decency Staff

By Steve Huston

At one time, at least in Tennessee, it was illegal to teach evolution in the public school system and Biblical creation had to be taught.  My, how things have changed; not since the great Scopes Trial where Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan debated, via trial, over the teaching of evolution/creationism, has there been such fanfare over this issue.

With February 4th quickly approaching, the live debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye has the media abuzz with assumptions, accusations and warnings.  As these two men present their belief systems of creationism and evolution they both lay claim to be fighting for the minds of our nation’s children.

As a matter of fact AiG’s (Answers in Genesis) theme for 2014 is “Standing Our Ground, Rescuing Our Kids.” In light of their theme, the Creation Museum is allowing children 12 and under to come free with a paying adult.

Bill Nye states that he’s fearful of children growing up under the teaching of creationism and that it will make for a nation who can no longer do science. This is his main reason for agreeing to the debate.

To see a 1 minute promotional video of the debate click here:  (

If you read any of the numerous blogs, articles or comments on this event it soon becomes apparent that evolutionists are making all sorts of assumptions and from those assumptions spring many accusations.  These accusations are false and it’s “Nye” time that the truth be told.

One of the leading accusations presented by evolutionists, including Bill Nye, is that creationists don’t believe in science. Mr. Ham not only points out the absurdity of that statement, but he also points out that there’s a difference between observational science and historical science. He states that creationists and evolutionists all have the same evidence; what worldview you approach the evidence with determines where you end up.  His goal is to “show the debate audience that observational science confirms what the Bible teaches in Genesis about origins, not evolution.” 

To see a fun and easy to understand 4 minute video about observational and historical science click here: (

It’s also fact that many fields of science were developed by Bible-believing Christians; there are several Christian scientists who continue to work in their various fields scientifically; and there are many non-Christian scientists who now state that evolution is just not possible.

AiG uses many outlets to combat and to show that child through adult are being strongly influenced by evolutionary thinking through TV, in public schools, and in secular museums.  One such small group curriculum, “Demolishing Strongholds,” is aimed at teens and young adults.  A couple of these group sessions give several examples of how the lie of evolution is subtly snuck into our minds through television and its ads.

Many creationists fear the church has really dropped the ball where evolution is concerned.  There are seminaries, schools, pastors and youth pastors who do not hold to a literal account of Genesis 1-11 and have no problem mixing evolution with the Bible.  For many who have left the faith, the issue of “Is the Bible true or not” is what started them down the road of doubt, at an early age. 

Ken Ham states, “The biggest problem with ideas that compromise God’s Word in Genesis is that they make the Bible untrustworthy—so it’s an authority issue.”

If God’s word isn’t all true, who gets to decide what parts are true and what parts are not? If you decide, doesn’t doing so put yourself in the place of God, seeing it’s His word?  If the church stands on a book that is not a firm foundation, where will she land?  Psalm 11:3  reminds us that “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”The fact is the Bible is the very Word of God.  It’s true from the first verse to the last and it speaks to every area of our lives. Whenever the Word is compromised with the world, the Word loses out. 

This is one of the reasons why this debate is so necessary.  Another reason it’s important is that there aren’t many evolutionists who are willing to debate with creationists anymore. For that matter, many have tried to dissuade Bill Nye from participating in this debate, stating that the debate along lends to the idea that creationism is a viable option.

Many other accusations have been aimed at the integrity of Ken Ham and the AiG staff in regards to the upcoming debate. Many of these accusations are derogatory in nature and some are downright hostile.  Impressively, these accusations have been answered in a forthright and Christ-like manner. To see some of these answers you can visit their website at  or go to their Facebook page.

This debate, “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific era?” will be live-streamed from Legacy Hall in the Creation Museum at no cost.  You may watch it freely from your own home or you may join with other believers to watch and discuss it afterwards.  The American Decency Association, in conjunction with Fremont OPC, will be showing this 2.5 hour event, starting at 7PM.  Save the date, February 4th, to watch the Debate of the Century.

Please be praying for this event.  Pray that the weather won’t be a hinderance, for AiG staff, for Ken Ham, Bill Nye and the thousands of people who may be watching this debate around the world.

To watch this live event, at no cost, from home sign up at AiG is also making this event available through the purchase of an Uncensored DVD or digital download through their web store.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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