Darrell Issa shows ignorance of Islam in Donnelly-Kashkari spat over Sharia

By: American Decency Staff

The U.S. today suffers from a bipartisan cluelessness. Few Republicans and virtually no Democrats have a clear and full understanding of the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat. Politically correct nonsense rules the day, and hamstrings our resistance to jihadists and Islamic supremacists. Darrell Issa is the latest case in point.

“Darrell Issa Shows Ignorance of Islam in Donnelly-Kashkari Spat over Shariah,” by Pamela Geller at Breitbart, May 9, 2014:

California State Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who is running for governor, recently pointed out that his rival Neel Kashkari “supported the United States submitting to the Islamic, Shariah banking code in 2008 when he ran TARP.”

The charge was true, but that didn’t stop the influential Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chair, from furiously denouncing not Kashkari, but Donnelly – illustrating again what’s wrong with the right.

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