Constitutional Crisis: Obama Not Bluffing on Amnesty

By: American Decency Staff

A few moments ago a friend and activist sent me this text message:

 "We need to all be praying that the Senate/the Congress respond without compromise to the Obama immigration executive action. 

 We pray there will be an outcry from American citizens that is heard in the White House.  Our voice must be heard in Jesus’ Mighty Name."

 Then, this from Frank Gaffney, head of Center for Security Policy in his Secure Freedom Minute: 

 "Today, President Obama will unilaterally and unlawfully do something he himself said not so long ago he couldn’t do: namely, change the immigration status of millions of illegal aliens in this country.

Despite the overwhelming repudiation of Obama policies at the polls on November 4th, the President is going to turn millions of illegal aliens into competitors for American jobs and claimants on our already maxed-out social welfare system. "

By so doing, moreover, he will create a magnet for millions more waiting to come across our borders illegally.

Sen. Ted Cruz has called on Congress to “counter a lawless executive branch.” The voters have just demanded such leadership in opposing Obama on amnesty and other matters. Now they must insist on getting it. 

 Yesterday, Frank Gaffney stated the following regarding the urgency of the impending announcement regarding President Obama’s announcement this evening.

"The voters have spoken. They gave a mandate to Republicans in Congress that pretty clearly communicated the imperative of stopping presidential lawlessness and especially his behavior threatening public security.

The leaders of the House of Representatives, though, seem not to have gotten the memo.

The first test will be whether they will block President Obama’s unlawful – and effectively permanent – transformation of millions of illegal aliens into legal residents, workers, and recipients of this country’s generous welfare, social security, education, and other benefits. That could happen as soon as tomorrow."

Unfortunately, the House leadership apparently has neither any real interest in nor any practical plan for preventing such a national security, economic, and political disaster.

We need Congress to deny funding for the implementation of any illegal amnesty implemented by the president. And we need it done now.

This President, if he takes the actions that he has been forecasting, will be ignoring the Constitution and the balance of powers.  He knows it, but he will be doing it anyway.

 As radio talk show host Mark Levin stated last evening (keep in mind Levin is the former Chief of Staff of former U.S. Attorney Edwin Meese under President Ronald Reagan).

"Now that the voters have voted, President Obama is picking up the pace to bring his 'hope and change' policies to America knowing that his time is short… Elections, as important as they are, don’t necessarily bring change if the officials elected don’t fight for the change that the voters expressly want. "

Levin points to the U.S. Constitution as containing the remedy that our government will ultimately need to look to in order to break the growing tyranny of the federal government.  He quotes founder James Madison and others as they made provision for such an eventuality.  There is a remedy in the U.S. Constitution.  To find out more, Levin has a book entitled “The Liberty Amendments.” 

Call Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (202-224-2541) and Speaker of the House John Boehner(202-225-6205) who thus far have only given lip service to this urgency.  Call their offices and let them know you expect them to oppose Obama’s intentions to implement illegal presidential amnesty at every turn.

The Weekly Standardgives Senator Jeff Sessions apt response to this news.

"Senator Jeff Sessions calls Barack Obama an "Emperor of the United States" now that the president is going ahead with executive amnesty.

"President Obama previously said he could not issue an executive amnesty because ‘I’m the President of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.’ Well, apparently we now have an ‘Emperor of the United States," Sessions writes in a statement.

"President Obama’s immigration order would provide illegal immigrants with the exact benefits Congress has repeatedly rejected: Social Security numbers, photo IDs and work permits—which will allow them to now take jobs directly from struggling Americans in every occupation. Congress must not allow this unconstitutional action. That means Congress should fund the government while ensuring that no funds can be spent on this unlawful purpose.”

I urge you to make those calls right now – before the end of the day, and let us not forget to pray!  Much is hanging in the balance of this projected lawless act against the U.S. Constitution and “we the people.”

May God still bless America!


Senator Mitch McConnell:  1-202-224-2541

Speaker of the House John Boehner:  1-202-225-6205

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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

photo credit: Tim Pierce via photopin cc

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