Condoleezza Rice Rutgers Commencement Speech Cancelled after Muslim Protests

By: American Decency Staff

For years, Muslims groups and their leftist lapdogs have strong-armed universities, organizations and venues to cancel the talks, lectures, etc., of my colleagues and me because they violated the most basic tenet of Islam: “do not criticize Islam.” Nonie Darwish, Robert Spencer, Ibn Warraq, Ayaah Hirsi Ali — former Muslims — were berated, smeared and blacklisted.

But it stood. Did anyone imagine that it would stop with us? Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is backing out of a planned commencement speech at Rutgers University in the face of Muslim protests this week.

In abandoning the most fundamental precept of freedom — speech — academic, cultural and political elites have imbued freedom’s most vicious enemies with enormous power.

That Condoleezza Rice was harassed and threatened into silence speaks volumes about how bad things have gotten.

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