Christie angrily defends appointment of Muslim judge – opposition to appointment is “crap”

By: American Decency Staff

“It is ridiculous and insulting, that because I nominated Sohail Mohammed — that people some how think that means I’m for Sharia Law. It’s crap.” Chris Christie sure talks a lot of crap. He has previously said that “this Sharia law business” — i.e., concern about Sharia in the U.S. — “is just crap.”

The problem with this outburst, which the mainstream media and Islamic supremacists like Hamas-linked CAIR’s hate-filled Hussam Ayloush are hailing, is that the objections to his appointment of Sohail Mohammed to a Superior Court don’t center around some secret plan Mohammed has to make rulings according to Sharia. They have to do with his associations and allegiances. Daniel Greenfield has noted that “Sohail Mohammed is a board member of the American Muslim Union, an organization that has interlocking leadership with groups that have fundraised for Hamas and hosted a Hamas speaker. The American Muslim Union is closely interlinked with Qatanani’s Islamic Center of Passaic County.” Sohail Mohammed was the New Jersey Imam Mohammed Qatanani’s lawyer. Greenfield adds: “Despite the fact that Mohammed Qatanani was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the organization that is behind both Al Qaeda and Hamas, despite his own guilty plea to being a member of Hamas, and despite the fact that even in the United States, he had defended a charity that provided funds to children of suicide bombers (this is done as an incentive to reassure terrorists that if they die their families will be taken care of), Qatanani was not deported.”

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