CAIR Attacked Ayaan Hirsi Ali Because They are Islamic Supremacists with Links to Terrorists

By: American Decency Staff

Bob Beckel just went on a rant against CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, on Fox’s The Five. Beckel accused CAIR of lacking “guts” in not standing up for Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s rights after Brandeis University shamefully rescinded an honorary degree that it had planned to give her. Brandeis made that decision under pressure from Muslim students, and ultimately CAIR itself, after those groups accused Ali of being anti-Muslim.

Ali is anti-Muslim, but with good reason. She was mutilated as a young girl, and then forced into marrying a close relative by her family in Somalia. She escaped to Europe, has spoken out against Islam, and faces death threats because of that. Ali left Islam, adding to the “crimes” for which some Muslims would like to see her dead. The Dutch government could not even guarantee Ali’s safety, despite her career in parliament. So she had to move to the United States and still faces credible death threats.

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