Bible Losing Influence in American Culture, Says Poll: Millennials Think Its ‘Just Another Piece of Literature’

By: American Decency Staff

The Bible is apparently losing its in influence in American culture, according to a new State of the Bible survey.

The study was conducted by the Barna group and American Bible Society and the outcome pointed to a nation that takes a book once held sacred in a casual manner viewing it more as a guidebook.

One of the most alarming statistics showed that 19 percent of American adults are skeptical about the Bible while another 19 percent are "engaged" with it. This marks that first time that the number of skeptics and readers are dead even. The number of skeptics has grown 10 percent since 2011. This shift can be attributed to groups of younger adults including those belonging to generation X and the Millennial generation holding a less sacred view of the book.

American Bible Society's Roy Peterson commented on the survey in a recent Washington Post article.

"I think young people have always questioned their parents, questioned the church," said Roy Peterson, president of the American Bible Society. "In our experience, they may not necessarily be coming back like previous generations. Young people might have said, 'God's word is written by God, and it's an important book.' Today the skeptics are saying, 'It's just like any other piece of literature, and it's no different from that.'"

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