Arc of Instability or Shiite Crescent?

By: American Decency Staff

A view is taking hold across the Middle East and beyond that the United States is determined to implement a policy of withdrawal from international leadership—or at least from leadership of the free world and those who dream of being part of it. Withdrawal from both Afghanistan and Iraq, where Islamic Law, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and Iran already are moving to fill voids left by Western forces, set the stage for what increasingly is perceived as U.S. abandonment of natural and traditional allies throughout the region in favor of the equally jihadist Sunni Muslim Brotherhood and Shiite Iranian regime. Regional upheavals driven by al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood that began in 2010 are seen as having gotten their "green light" with President Obama's June 2009 Cairo speech. Speaking directly to the Muslim Brotherhood representatives whom he'd invited sitting in the front row, the president spoke of a "partnership between America and Islam" and said that "America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam."

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