I was attentive, as many of you presumably were, to last night’s election return.
Listening to Sandy Rios’ “Morning in America” on American Family Radio this morning a caller paraphrased President Ronald Reagan stating “America is the world’s last bastion of civilization.” This is no trivial statement. Our world is on fire from Iran to North Korea to Venezuela to Russia to China to Syria to Iraq to …
Much was at stake in yesterday’s election. As encouraging as it was last evening as we had what I wrote yesterday “A good old fashioned housecleaning.” – nonetheless, danger lurks heavily at our gates.
Quoting Gary Bauer in his email alert this morning:
As good as this day is, we all know that the problems bedeviling America did not end last night. They will not be solved just by having more members of Congress with an R by their name, although that helps.
The real problem is the flight from our founding ideals. The central idea of America is that our liberty comes from God, not government. Our freedom is not some pseudo-libertarian concept of "anything goes," but rather ordered liberty under God. We need to create more strong families, which are the foundation of all strong societies. These values are under tremendous attack today, and the breakdown of the family is contributing to the massive growth of government.
Just like our winning election strategy of getting back to basics, America's best strategy for recovery is getting back to our basic values and our Judeo-Christian heritage.
We should be under no illusions; America faces perhaps the most concerning two year period of our nation’s history right now.
Presently, we are in the context of a lame duck session with those completing their terms of office serving with no electoral constraint upon their decision-making and a president with a radical left agenda who acts unconstrained by the U.S. Constitution. He has a pen and a phone – if the Congress won’t do what he wants, he will do what he wants.
“Immigration reform” is the order of the day with all the gravity that portends (terrorism, overwhelming the system medically, educationally, socially, politically).
And that’s just one issue facing us in a battle of ideologies.
The Republicans prevailed last night, but what philosophy will ultimately prevail in the contest for Constitutional America? Has the battle been won, only to lose the war?
The answer to that question is yet to be determined. As with a few election races still in play, the results are too close to call.
Our only hope as a nation is returning to what – rather, Who – made us strong in the first place.
As George Washington wrote in 1788:
“No Country upon Earth ever had it more in its power to attain these blessings … Much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect the means and depart from the road which Providence has pointed us to, so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever come to pass. The Great Governor of the Universe has led us too long and too far … We may, now and then, get bewildered; but I hope and trust that there is good sense and virtue enough left to recover the right path.”
I’m afraid that if Washington were here today, he may not maintain that same hope and trust. Is there enough virtue left to recover the right path?
Now is the time to find out.
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