“My Five Wives” – oppose this new promotion of polygamy!

By: American Decency Staff

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here.”

Do you ever feel like Alice who fell down the rabbit hole, only to discover that she no longer recognized the world in which she lived?  That’s pretty much how I feel everyday here at American Decency as we wade through the daily headlines of a culture disintegrating before our very eyes.  And what we see is no Wonderland.

One of the latest signs of madness is the increasing legitimization of polygamy.  As blogger Rebecca Hamilton writes:

“… Remember a few eye blinks of time ago when anyone who said that redefining marriage to allow two men or two women to “marry” would lead to polygamy was called an idiot/bigot/homophobe/hater?

Now, it seems that anyone who dares to say a critical word about polygamy is an idiot/bigot/hater. …

Meanwhile, those earlier idiot/bigot/homophobe/haters who said that redefining marriage would open the gates to who knows what — including polygamy — are looking more and more like prophets.

The legalization of gay marriage is still moving and the sell job on polygamy is already well along.”

The first show promoting polygamy was “Big Love” on HBO, followed by TLC’s “Sister Wives” which we have targeted since its debut.  Now TLC has premiered another show featuring a polygamist family, “My Five Wives.”

The premise of “My Five Wives” is obvious – one man + five women in a so-called “marriage.”  Throw in a brood of 24 kids sired by the one dad and you have “My Five Wives.”  However, this show takes the promotion of polygamy even one step further than “Sister Wives” with its unmitigated promotion of polygamy.  Through the distorted lens of TLC, only a positive view of this deviancy is shown. A “progressive,” modern day American family living their chosen lifestyle – “normal times five” as ‘husband’ Brady likes to say.

The show is little more than a 60 minute infomercial to sell viewers on the acceptance of polygamy.  Here are a few statements from the ‘husband’ and his harem:

·         “Five wives, 24 kids – I wouldn't change it for anything.”
·         “I spent my whole life hiding, but not anymore.”
·          “Now I live without fear of people knowing who I am.”
·         “Sharing a husband is MY choice.”
·         “People don't understand our lifestyle, but it works for us.”
·         “It's not that complicated, we just love each other.”
·         “There's nothing wrong with what we're doing as long as it's consensual.”
·         “This is the way I choose to live my life and there's no reason we should be prosecuted for that.”

It can all sound quite reasonable, especially to those not grounded in biblical truth.  With a sympathetic portrayal of this “poor, discriminated-against ‘family’ that just wants to live life as they see fit,” it’s easy to see how most viewers will come to accept one more redefinition of marriage.

We’ve seen this strategy before. 

Hollywood lays the groundwork for the acceptance of ___________ (fill in the blank).  Profanity, promiscuity, homosexuality, gay marriage – and now polygamy.  The public is lulled to accept each one as such themes are subtly interwoven throughout entertainment in the guise of winsome/funny/sweet shows.  We overlook this or that and soon come to accept this or that. 

Then the liberal establishment takes over to codify into law the acceptance of deviancy – no-fault divorce; “safe sex” education; “hate crimes” laws; legalization of homosexual marriage.

And so the cycle repeats – now with polygamy.

And yet, for some reason, the Christian community is either asleep, dumbed-down, or scared of their own shadow.  For the most part, nary a word has been spoken about this latest assault upon marriage.

One day in the not so distant future – if we remain silent – we will wake up and find that polygamous marriage is now the law of the land. 

America is like little Alice who “fell
the hole,
bumped her head,
and bruised her soul.”

Take Action!  Click here to send a message to the sponsors empowering this legitimization of polygamy.

Advertisers from “My Five Wives" include:

Hershey’s syrup
Reese’s peanut butter cups – Hershey’s
Children’s Allegra – Chattem Inc.
Cortizone 10 – Chattem Inc.
Gold Bond lotion – Chattem Inc.
Jimmy Dean sausage
Jenny Craig
Red Robin restaurants
Subway restaurants
Disney Pictures
Nature Bounty vitamins
DSW Shoes
Wonderful Pistachios
Dish Network
Car Fax
Fresh Pets


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 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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