A special message from Frank Gaffney

By: American Decency Staff

Yesterday I wrote an article entitled: “Observations while at church on Sunday.”

A major point that I raised was that we, as ancient Israel, have become godless, ungrateful for the blessings and grace of God and His Word, and stupefied.

Stupefied. Corrupted?  Bought off?  Compromised? You tell me. 

How can a leader who is serving as the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee serve as a keynote speaker at a gala fundraising dinner (this Friday) for a group with extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood?

I’m referring this time to Michigan’s own U.S.  Rep. Mike Rogers (08 – Lansing area).

“ … On May 30th, the ICRD will further display its true colors. It will have as its guests of honor at a gala fundraising dinner two preeminent stealth jihadists – Faisal Rauf and his wife, Daisy Khan. The couple gained international notoriety in 2010 when they sought to build a 15-story mosque complex in a building so close to Ground Zero that it was badly damaged in the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. …
Click here– Breitbart article

Mike Rogers will keynote this event.

I just received this special message from Frank Gaffney who, as many of you know, we have had as a featured speaker on three occasions. 

Gaffney writing:

Rep. Mike Rogers is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. He is also expected to be the keynote speaker at a gala fundraising dinner event this Friday in Washington for a group with extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Worse yet, the dinner’s honorees are Faisal Rauf and his wife, Daisy Khan. They were the prime-movers behind the notorious Ground Zero mosque – a fifteen-story Islamist complex to be housed in a building so close to the Twin Towers that a landing gear from one of the hijacked planes caused it extensive damage. So what on earth is a man who is supposed to know all about the Muslim Brotherhood and its subversive civilization jihad against America doing consorting with, and legitimating, such hostile influence operations? Good question.

Civilization Jihad:  a form of warfare that employs manipulative financial techniques, lawfare, infiltration of our civil institutions and government and insidious information dominance.

Some are already speculating that are in the know. “Follow the money.  How much back room deals have been made for future accommodations? Now that he’s retiring from congress he has a future to plan for.”  [Is this what this is about?]

In closing, if this isn’t a big sell out what is?  He’s keynoting a fundraiser for a group with extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood:  The International Center for Religion and Diplomacy (ICRD).  

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