A spark to the tinder? If not, why not?

By: American Decency Staff

Mat Staver is coming to Michigan and will be speaking to a large audience (prayerfully) in Grand Rapids at the specious Sunshine Community Church on the East Beltline at ADA's Summer Conference.

Some of you don’t know – yet – who Mat Staver is.   If you don’t know who he is, you really need to.
I have a lot of friends who are special men and women of God. Being in this kind of ministry with American Decency Association and with my years of ministry with American Family Association as former state director of AFA of Michigan, I have been in many spiritual battles with many outstanding men and women of God!
Mat Staver is one of the most influential and most solid Christian leaders of our time.
Take a minute to watch Mat Staver herePLEASE NOTE: THIS YOUTUBE SPOT WAS PROVIDED BY RIGHTWING WATCH. RIGHTWING WATCH IS A HATE GROUP FROM THE LEFT. Mat is aggressively targeted and not liked by the left.
Mat is the president and founder of Liberty Counsel. 

Liberty Counsel® is one of the nation’s largest nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organizations dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the family. Founded in 1989, the purpose of this ministry is to preserve religious liberty and help create and maintain a society in which everyone will have the opportunity to discover the truth that will give true freedom.

With offices in California, Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., and an outreach in Israel, Liberty Counsel has hundreds of advocates around the world.
The Pelletier family looked to Liberty Counsel for help to set their daughter free from the bondage of the state.  For more information on this parental-rights case, click here
Please see this short 45 second video of Justina seeking help. Pray for Justina. Pray for Mat.  
June 6, Massachusetts Health and Human Services (HHS) filed a motion for review of reconsideration and dismissal in the case of Justina Pelletier. This action follows Liberty Counsel’s motion to return Justina home. Today’s motion indicates that HHS is in agreement to return custody of Justina to her parents.
Liberty Counsel anticipates a court order from Judge Johnson in the near future releasing Justina into the custody of her parents, Lou and Linda Pelletier.
The family is thankful for everyone’s prayers and support.
My personal note to you:
We need your help to put the spark to the tinder. We need to be the spark. Our friends, family, loved ones, children and grandchildren are the tinder.
We need to each be ignited by the spirit of God to spread the message of need. 

 PLEASE NOTE: Mat Staver will be speaking on Religious Liberty and Freedom of Speech.
 Urgent: watch the two short video clips to help you see what we see. 

Video 1: Mat targeted by Right Wing Watch
Video 2: Justina Pelletier pleading with Judge Johnson to let her go back to her family.
Mat is fighting in court for this to happen. 
You are receiving this (most of that is) because you have been to ADA headquarters to hear a speaker or to be strengthened or blessed by a high quality family movie or an informative documentary. 
A number of you are receiving this because you have come to one of our summer conferences and have heard: Donald E. Wildmon (founder of the American Family Association, Curtis Bowers (the producer of the award-winning “Agenda”: The Grinding Down of America; Gary Bauer, the President of Campaign for Working Families, Frank Gaffney, the President of Center for Security Policy, Pam Stenzel, powerful international youth speaker, Kamal Saleem, converted terrorist and founder and president of Koome Ministries (who will also be speaking at this summer conference as well).

Mark your calendar and register by calling 231-924-4050 or by emailing kimberly@americandecency.org
Date:               Friday, July 18, 2014 
Time:               7:00 P.M. – 9:30 P.M.
Location:       Sunshine Church
                                     3300 East Beltline Ave NE
                                Grand Rapids, MI  49525

Cost:  Free will offering
To register call our office at 888-733-2326
or email us at 

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financia Accountability.

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