A Republic of Dullards

By: American Decency Staff

In the week that Spiked in the UK launched its free speech manifesto, the United States provided yet another example of how far "progressives" have retreated from any principled commitment to freedom of expression, especially when it conflicts with more fashionable identity-group rights. Further to my post on the defenestration of Mozilla's CEO for the crime of holding the same view on same-sex marriage five years ago as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton then did, I see that my friends at Powerline have posted the full statement by Mozilla's chairwoman Mitchell Baker. It is, in its way, a masterpiece of the genre:

Mozilla prides itself on being held to a different standard and, this past week, we didn't live up to it. We know why people are hurt and angry, and they are right: it's because we haven't stayed true to ourselves…

While painful, the events of the last week show exactly why we need the web. So all of us can engage freely in the tough conversations we need to make the world better…

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