A Real War on Women

By: American Decency Staff

There’s an imaginary War on Women that exists only in the minds of Democratic politicians trying to scare voters and score political points. And then there’s the real War on Women.

The former is misleading, tiresome, and over-covered by the media. The latter is real-life, tragic, and rarely receives media attention.

This dynamic was interrupted in recent weeks with the abduction of 276 Nigerian school girls by the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram, which made the front pages and nightly news.

Concerned Women for America and its 500,000 members join others — including the 20 female senators and 79 female representatives who wrote letters urging President Obama to take action — in outrage over this atrocity.

While we join in the bipartisan condemnation of this kidnapping and efforts to raise awareness about the girls, tweets of disapproval are never a substitute for a serious foreign-policy strategy.

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2014/05/26/real-war-women/#CtHZm5xzFDBCfDsK.99

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