99 Years of Turkish Genocide

By: American Decency Staff
In the declining days of the Ottoman Empire and the time of the birth of the secular Turkish republic, Christians in Anatolia were seen either as kuffar harbi, Infidels at war with Islam, and/or enemies of the Turkish state, for seeking political union with Greece and independence for Armenia. They were massacred and exiled wholesale. Before that, Anatolia had had a significant Christian population, and often a dominant Christian majority, since the dawn of Christianity. My own family was exiled from the crumbling Empire in 1918 for declining to convert to Islam. But Islamic supremacists never, ever take responsibility for the evil they perpetrate, and apparently the secular (and rapidly de-secularizing) Turks are no different.
“99 Years of Turkish Genocide,” AINA, April 23:

(AINA) — On April 24, 1915 the Turkish genocide of Assyrians, Greeks and Armenians began very simply, without pomp and circumstance. “We have made a clean sweep of the Armenians and Assyrians of Azerbaijan.” Those were the words of Djevdet Bey, the governor of Van Province in Ottoman Turkey, who on April 24, 1915 lead 20,000 Turkish soldiers and 10,000 Kurdish irregulars in the opening act of the genocide of Assyrians, Armenians and Pontic Greeks. In three short years, 750,000 (75%) Assyrians would be killed, 1.5 million Armenians and 500,000 Greeks.

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