Trevor Loudon, an author and blogger from New Zealand writes regarding seeing a future America without liberty:
But, “if America fails, and America is in danger of failure — that is a harsh reality — the crazed Islamic allies will carve up this planet amongst themselves. …”
Loudon noted the irony of President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies calling the tea party “extremists” and “terrorists.”
The tea party, Trevor Loudon said, is the “most patriotic, gentlemanly, fair-minded, generous, peaceful people — the exact opposite of terrorists. …
“You’ve been infiltrated, and the infiltrators want to deflect attention off what they’re doing by basically demonizing the most patriotic, inoffensive people in this country, the tea party and their sympathizers,” he explained. “It’s Orwellian — truth is lies and lies are truth.”
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Agenda: The Grinding Down of America
And check out our video online of Frank Gaffney
Speaking at the Hilton Hotel – Grand Rapids – October 2012
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