Truth for Our Times – truth is always needed but so very much in these days

By: American Decency Staff

Whether you are in Michigan, the Midwest or far beyond, your attendance is requested at our summer conference at the spacious Sunshine Community Church on the East Beltline in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The need is great in America on many fronts for all peoples to hear and understand the impending dangers that threaten not only our freedoms, our Constitution, well-being, but our very lives. 

One of our speakers is Frank Gaffney.  The following YouTube video is Frank Gaffney interviewed very recently by Glenn Beck.  Also included is Patrick Poole a friend of mine from long ago who also speaks powerfully on the subject of Islamism and its threat to America. 

This video clip includes these three individuals looking at a map of the world and discussing the spread of radical Islam and concerning trends taking place at various key hot points, including America.   

You owe it to yourself to take a few moments to watch:  [The video lasts 12 minutes]

Frank Gaffney heads the Center for Security Policy in Washington DC and served in the Pentagon during the Reagan Administration.

Gary Bauer also joins with Frank Gaffney for our summer conference scheduled for Friday, July 26 between 6:30 – 9:30 P.M.  Gary, of course, is the founder and president of American Values and Campaign for Working Families.  Gary is one of the clearest voices of reason and Biblical worldview in American politics today and has been for a number of years.   His daily email “End of Day” is read by thousands upon thousands throughout our nation and world.

Quoting a recent Bauer quote:   “Last night I tuned in to the ABC evening news to get the latest on the various government scandals and other issues facing the country. But in the judgment of the news hounds at ABC, the biggest issue facing the country was a line of severe thunderstorms moving across the Midwest.

Folks, thunderstorms have been going across the Midwest for all of recorded history. They will continue going across the Midwest long after Obama has failed to stop the climate from changing or the oceans from rising.

ABC even brought in an expert to tell us what to do if you are in your car when a thunderstorm hits. What I am looking for is not how to avoid a line of thunderstorms, but rather how to get out of the line of fire of Obama's ever-growing government!”

Both the video clip and this short quote should give you a sense of the importance of our upcoming July event in Grand Rapids which we have entitled:  “Truth for Our  Times”.

In addition, we are pleased to announce that we have added a third speaker to the evening.  We are blessed and privileged to announce that Pastor Anthony E. Moore has accepted our invitation to speak into our hearts with a powerful message that I have already heard, entitled:  “When God Says Leave Me Alone” from Exodus 32:1-14.

In these days, when many are wondering if God has removed His hand of grace and mercy from our godless land, Pastor Moore speaks to what the Bible says we should do in such a time as this.  The text from Exodus 32:1-14 provides a hint of the context.

Pastor Moore comes to us from the Carolina Baptist Church just minutes south of Washington, DC at Fort Washington, Maryland.

For many of you that are far away, this event will be out of the question, yet for others of you it is do-able.  Whatever your situation, many of you have loved ones, friends, kindred spirits that you can think of that should be made aware of this timely opportunity.

Oh that this event could be brought to other locations throughout our nation and world.  We are bringing it to conservative West Michigan where there are many Christians.  Many of them, though, still have no clue of the threat that Sharia, the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, ISNA, the OIC present to them, their children, and friends. 

I humbly ask you to watch the 12 minute video:
Click here:

Also to register online for our summer conference
, “Truth for Our Times,” featuring Frank Gaffney, Gary Bauer, and Pastor Anthony E. Moore, click here.

Or call 1-888-733-2326 for more information.

Click here  for flier.

To support our efforts please click hereor mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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