Tuesday night NBC aired the season finale of “The New Normal.” Since its premier last fall, “The New Normal” has always been a propaganda-piece in the guise of a sitcom. However, in the hour-long season finale creator/producer Ryan Murphy pulled out all the stops to proselytize viewers into accepting the debased gay agenda as “normal.”
Promote gay marriage? Check.
Champion homosexual parenting? Check.
Undermine the church and mock God and His righteousness? Double check.
Take Action! Click here to send a message to the advertisers empowering the promotion of the gay agenda on “The New Normal.” (See below for a list of sponsors.)
The first half hour of the show centered on the gay men planning their “marriage” ceremony with lovey-dovey scenes of the two men kissing and in bed together interspersed throughout the show. The mothers of the “grooms” (one Catholic and one Jewish) are shown to be supportive and accepting – both moms walking their sons down the aisle.
At one point when one of the moms jokingly says, “Are you even sure you’re both gay?” Her son, Brian, making reference to a gay sex act, replies: “Well if we’re not, we did something really weird last night.”
Throughout the series, “Nana,” the token conservative Christian, has of course been depicted as a hate-filled, bigoted, homophobe. Amazingly, however, she has now “come to her senses” and is leaving her moral standards behind. Nana is now having sex with a much younger man – which she describes as “booty calls” – with no interest in getting married. And in the final episode, “homophobe” Nana apologizes for her past “offenses” and says about her old self, “If you would have told me then that I’d be accepting the invitation to a wedding of two guys, I’d have hung myself.” She goes on to toast the homosexual couple: “Here’s to Brian and David – the happiest couple I know!”
Several times throughout the series Brian, who was raised Catholic, meets with his priest who not only accepts Brian’s homosexuality, but also encourages him to fight for “equality.” In this episode, the two men ask the priest to perform their “marriage” ceremony. The priest indicates he would like to, but the ‘behind-the-times’ church won’t allow him to. However, in the end the priest tosses aside the teachings of The Bible and of the Catholic Church, and shows up to marry them. He dresses in ‘civilian’ clothes and claims that since he’s not wearing his collar that it’s okay to perform the sacrament of marriage for two men. He tells Brian: “I once told you to fight for change, but I can’t ask you to do something that I’m not prepared to do myself. So, God help me, here we go.”
As the priest concludes the ceremony he ends with: “With the power invested in me as a child of God, I now pronounce you – a family!” He then looks to the sky and sarcastically adds, “No lightning bolts, what do you know.”
Ryan Murphy should be very thankful that the Lord God, holy and righteous, is also – as it says in Nehemiah 9:17 – “ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in kindness …”
However, God will not be mocked. There will be an end to His patience.
“Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance? But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God,” (Romans 2:4-5)
This episode also featured the birth of the baby that a surrogate has been carrying for the homosexual men. The scene is played out oh-so-sweetly as the two teary-eyed men take turns cuddling the newborn baby boy – while the surrogate mother smiles upon the scene with obviously no qualms about giving up this baby she’s carried for nine months. A baby who will be deprived of a real mother.
And that is at the crux of ‘Heather having two mommies or having two daddies’ – but not one of each. Children deprived of God’s design of a father and a mother and the unique and irreplaceable qualities each brings to a child’s life.
Millions in our culture have listened to the seed of doubt which was also whispered in Eve’s ear “has God really said?” and have made themselves the determiner of what makes a ‘family.’ As a university professor in Florida recently demanded his students stomp on the written name of Jesus, so is biblical marriage and the God-designed family unit being stomped upon by today’s secular elites.
I recently read an article written by a man who himself is, sadly, a homosexual – yet is still opposed to same-sex marriage and parenting. He states the concern about our culture’s social engineering of marriage and family:
“Same-sex marriage will not expand rights and freedoms in our nation. It will not redefine marriage. It will undefine it.
This isn’t the first time our society has undefined marriage. No-fault divorce, instituted all across our country, sounded like a good idea at the time. Its unintended consequence was that it changed forever the definition of marriage from a permanent relationship between spouses to a temporary one. Sadly, children became collateral damage in the selfish pursuits of adults.
Same-sex marriage will do the same, depriving children of their right to either a mom or a dad. This is not a small deal. Children are being reduced to chattel-like sources of fulfillment. On one side, their family tree consists not of ancestors, but of a small army of anonymous surrogates, donors, and attorneys who pinch-hit for the absent gender in genderless marriages. Gays and lesbians demand that they have a “right” to have children to complete their sense of personal fulfillment, and in so doing, are trumping the right that children have to both a mother and a father—a right that same-sex marriage tramples over.(emphasis added)
Same-sex marriage will undefine marriage and unravel it, and in so doing, it will undefine children. It will ultimately lead to undefining humanity. This is neither “progressive” nor “conservative” legislation. It is “regressive” legislation.
Nowhere on any marriage license application in any state are the applicants asked, “Do you love each other?” Yet this is the basis on which same-sex marriage proponents seek to change our laws. Is the state really in the business of celebrating our romantic lives?”
The mantra I heard repeatedly in Minnesota was that “marriage is about love, commitment, and responsibility.” But these three things are not the state’s interests in marriage. Marriage, from the state’s perspective, is about kids. Period. That’s the reason the institution exists. We should tremble at and fear the notion of undoing it. http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2013/03/9622/
And as “The New Normal” seeks to undermine biblical marriage and family, we must be even more vocal and diligent in opposing the sly indoctrination of a sitcom that uses ridicule to seek to shut us up.
The good news is, that because of mediocre ratings, NBC has not yet announced whether or not “The New Normal” will be renewed next season. Tuesday’s season finale of “The New Normal” drew 4.97 million viewers for the first half hour and lost 1.4 million viewers during the second half, with just 3.56 million viewers tuning in for the conclusion.
When the “The New Normal” hasn’t had a strong lead-in show – as it did Tuesday night with “The Voice” – the ratings have been a dismal average of 2.86 million. (For comparison, the viewership of “The Voice” was 13.61 million – showing that 8.6 million NBC viewers changed the channel when “The New Normal” came on. Also of interest, Sunday night’s finale of “The Bible” miniseries on cable TV’s The History Channel drew 11.7 million viewers!) That in itself is an encouragement – when a relatively obscure cable channel that millions of Americans don’t even have access to – draws nearly three times more viewers than the finale of “The New Normal.”
Of course we know the battle will not be over even if “The New Normal” is cancelled. Another will rise to take its place. We are the David in the fight against the Goliaths of our culture. However, as David did, we also come in the name of the Lord of hosts, whom Ryan Murphy, NBC, and an army of secular elites have defied. May we run to the battle to boldly oppose the giants of our day!
Keep the pressure on the sponsors of “The New Normal” which will send a message to NBC that this show should not be renewed for next season.
Take Action! Click here to send an email to the advertisers empowering the promotion of the gay agenda on “The New Normal.” (See below for a list of sponsors.)
Also, please forward this to your family and friends, urging them to also take a stand.
Sponsors of “The New Normal”
Campbell’s soup
Chevrolet – General Motors
State Farm Insurance
Burlington Coat Factory
Frontline Plus
Fresh Step cat litter – Clorox Co.
Ragu pasta sauce – Unilever
Clear Scalp – Unilever
Red’s Apple Ale
Wells Fargo
Magic Johnson proud over his homosexual son. Really?
Click here for Decency Minute with Bill Johnson
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