The Kingdom of God is not temporal and not external

By: American Decency Staff

The Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom and not temporal and not external.

The disciples wanted Jesus to be King Jesus and to advance the Jewish nation above the  nations of the world.

But the Kingdom is not of this world.  It's glory does not strike man's fancies, but affects their spirits.  It's power is over their souls and consciences and not just on their bodies.

The Kingdom of God will not change man's outward condition, but their hearts and lives.  The Kingdom of God comes, then,  when it makes those humble, and serious, and heavenly, that were proud, and vain, and carnal – when it weans those from the world that were wedded to the world.  Therefore, look for the Kingdom of God in the revolutions of the heart.

Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

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