The day the park ranger came to the aid of my father – a World War II veteran hindered by an uncooperative leg

By: American Decency Staff

By Bill Johnson

I was privileged to march at the million man veteran’s march at the WW II memorial over the weekend.

My Dad was one such vet – now deceased.  He served during World War II.
Shortly after the WW II memorial opened, Dad wanted  to see the memorial before his ability to get around deteriorated.
A park ranger seeing that my Dad couldn't make the final fifty yards at first declined our request to use the park golf cart saying it went against National Park policy.  Moments later the ranger changed his mind knowing that it could one day be his father.
This, I believe, is the true spirit of most park rangers – not the barricading of our national monuments.  These monuments  help instill in us national thanks for our veterans and for their sacrifice that we would remain a free people.
One further insult  when I joined the veteran's march this past weekend, was that the national park restrooms were inaccessible.   Why?  As a cost saving measure?  Really? 

Or was it as others have commented to punish those whose view of government is to get spending under control and to make a political point.  

Contrast this with pics from the World War II memorial veterans march from just two days ago.
Click here

On Friday and Saturday, I listened,  with thousands of others, to many cutting edge presentations at the Values Voter Summit at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.

Not surprisingly, many serious concerns were raised including the following:  the assault on Biblical marriage, Obamacare, the attack upon religious liberty and the freedom of speech, trying to make sense out of why  President Obama has such affinity to the Muslim Brotherhood and the implications of our governments support of them.

The subject of civil disobedience was also brought up by several different speakers.

In this vein, a question that is haunting is the likelihood that those in government under the leadership of this administration will – when push comes to shove – uphold directives from the highest echelons of government, ie. park rangers even though with the people in spirit, they nonetheless will do what they are commanded – put up barricades, close down restrooms and ………………….  Scary thoughts arise.

So on the subject of civil disobedience.  When is civil disobedience God honoring and when is it not?  With Romans 13 as our guide:  when a law violates Christian conscience. 

Much "meat  needs to be put on the bones" as the variety of scenarios are considered. 

Reluctantly, I find myself thinking about this question and discussing it with others.  Perhaps this is your inclination in these times of "soft tyranny" as Mark Levin describes.

Click here for  video clip of Sen. Ted Cruz speaking


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