Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition: A Knife in the Back

By: American Decency Staff
Who likes to be betrayed? I don’t. Nobody that is of sound mind and spirit does.

I received a call some months ago from a young mother who discovered that her husband had pornography on his iphone. 

He was faithful in church attendance. In fact, as a couple, they were going to revival services that very week.  What betrayal!  What a knife in the back.  Her heart was broken!   

That’s what pornographic publications like Sports Illustrated ARE. Swimsuit Edition is a knife in the back to wives, girlfriends. 

May God give each of you the fortitude to expel pornography from your life!

The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition is out again. Oppose it wherever you see it. 

A special thanks to those shopping outlets who made the decision years ago not to carry the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. 

Their decision came because people spoke up.  Will you speak up?

To find out more.  Click here

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