“Some trust in chariots …
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God”
With the summer months approaching and our financial strength from solid year-end giving in 2012 shrinking, we recently sent out a support letter in mid-May.
As you know, we spend little time or money on fund-raising. Many of you appreciate it that our fund raising appeals are few and far between. We like it that way too.
Nonetheless, we all know that finances and financial management are a huge part of all of our lives.
We are pressing forward aggressively as I believe you see via our email alerts and newsletter (for those who receive it.)
As you may recall, as we closed out last year and began a new year, I expressed my prayerful and earnest desire that we would find new financial friends of this ministry – supporters who would increase their support by 10% or more and that we would be able to add numbers of new supporters as friends of this ministry. I stated that I was seeking to raise our annual budget by $100,000 to further broaden our outreach. As we approach the middle of the year, we are quite short of our ministry’s financial goal.
I believe that many of you want us to succeed more than ever before. This would be a great time to show your support and help us be strengthened to fight the fight that God has in mind for us.
In closing, I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting this ministry as God leads and allows. We are very thankful for large gifts, but make no mistake – we are thankful for each and every gift and recognize that some of our so-called “smaller gifts” come from the most sacrificial hands. Thank you for whatever you can do, no matter the size of your gift.
We seek to use each gift as best as we can to bring glory to God and to spread His truth; we also seek to fight for the rights we’ve received from God as recognized in our Constitution. Our desire is to be used by God to educate, encourage, exhort, and warn our Christian brothers and sisters and we rely on faithful supporters like you to keep this ministry working effectively. Help us by supporting us with whatever amount God puts on your heart. To what end? That God would be glorified!
Our summer conference features Frank Gaffney and Gary Bauer – Friday, July 26 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Click herefor our flier and for further details.
Further information about American Decency Association:
What would God have this ministry be and do? First, He would have us keep our own houses in order – to pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord; to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbor as ourselves. God has been faithful and we continue to be a staff that walks humbly with our Lord.
I believe that God has been keeping us in ministry – by His grace – because we are His people, He’s not finished with us yet. He has a purpose for us. He continues to use us as truth tellers.
As one of our long-time supporters recently wrote: “Our country is becoming hard to recognize so quickly. Thanks for what you all do to make people aware – and for giving tools that are easy to use in order to take a stand and to do what we can.”
We believe that God is using us to inform, educate, stir, exhort and warn His people in these recent months. With the liberal, mainstream media’s determination not to report objectively but rather to censor important news stories such as the Gosnell story (whereby hundreds of babies have been slaughtered both before birth and after) and the failure to cover the Benghazi debacle and the Whistleblower hearings, we are seeing that there are many people hungering for the truth as they know that something is seriously wrong in their beloved America.
We are an embattled nation. I know you agree with me. I also know that most of you have loved ones and friends who, for whatever reason, remain oblivious to the reality that America is in a compromised position.
To be truth tellers to you, and to those you can hopefully bring with you, we are hosting this year’s summer conference in a large church in Grand Rapids, MI – a church that can seat up to 2,300 people. Do I expect that we will be able to fill this? Only by the grace of God and with you His people laboring to help us.
We are featuring two of America’s foremost experts on the moral and social breakdown in America – Gary Bauer and Frank Gaffney – who will give their take on what is happening in the world today. Please begin to give careful consideration as to whom you will ask to attend this conference with you.
We are grateful to have seen several of our faithful supporters increase their support significantly. We have also added a few new regular donors. One new supporter wrote: “A friend introduced me to your monthly publication “Frontline” and I am very impressed with the importance of the type of researched news you report. Christians do need to be aware of what is happening to our country even though it is painful and distressing. I want to support your work and enclosed please find my personal check for this month. Thank you.”
Please make an online contribution. Click here.
Or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
Call us:
231-924-4050Email us:
info@americandecency.orgWrite us:
American Decency AssociationCopyright 2025 American Decency