San Francisco values put kids in danger

By: American Decency Staff

Sexual abuse is a sad part of a lot of people's realities. According to the CDC, 20% of college women have been raped in their lifetime. Researchers have also found that one in six men have been sexually abused by the time they turn 18.

Consider these results from studies by David Finkelhor, Director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center:

–          1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse;

–          Self-report studies show that 20% of adult females and 5-10% of adult males recall a childhood sexual assault or sexual abuse incident;

–          During a one-year period in the U.S., 16% of youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized;

–          Over the course of their lifetime, 28% of U.S. youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized.

That's a terrible thing to comprehend – not only there are that many abuse victims, but that our culture produces that many perverts.

It's particularly difficult to accept this statistic: 35.6 of perpetrators of sexual assault crimes against children are children. Over a third of those who trespass on the innocence of kids are juveniles themselves.

The horrible truth of that fact is that in those cases there are two victims – the perpetrator as well as the abused child. Often, the abuser is acting on his own experiences – the abuses he has survived – or an extensive exposure to explicit content.

After all, the average age of exposure to pornography for a school-aged boy is eleven. Think of the effect those images might have on a confused and curious child.

In that light, allow me to introduce California's Assembly Bill 1266. This bill will allow children of either gender to enter whichever bathroom they prefer.

“AB 1266 forces San Francisco values on all California schools,” said Karen England, executive director of the Sacramento based  Capitol Resource Institute. “This is a very radical idea. You’re going to have first-grade boys going to the restroom next to first-grade girls without any supervision.”

As World Net Dailyillustrates,

"Picture this … your 7-year-old daughter comes home from school in tears, explaining she’s afraid to go to the bathroom at school because a boy comes in while she’s there. Outraged, you call the school to demand an explanation. You’re told that your daughter is telling the truth, but because the boy says he wants to be a girl, officials’ hands are tied.

'It’s the law.'”

Or worse, what's to stop a "confused' boy from checking out the girls' locker room, because he claims to feel like a girl that day?

San Francisco Assemblyman Tom Ammiano seemingly acknowledged that some parents will be uncomfortable with their children sharing bathrooms and locker room showers with the opposite sex.  However, according to Ammiano, promoting transgender identity trumps the protection of children.  “Discomfort is not an excuse for discrimination,” he stated.

So, in other words, parents and children are being told that they are bigots, as Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute England stated. “And now if a girl doesn’t want to shower with a boy, there’s something wrong with you.”

Ammiano claims gender identity is a ‘personal choice;’ biology has nothing to do with it.  As he puts it, one’s gender is a “person’s internal, deeply-rooted identification as male or female.”

Yet Family Research Council’s Peter Sprigg sheds light upon that false notion.  “It’s being demanded that we affirm that a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man.  Even though the chromosomes and every single cell in their body will never change. This is an absurdity.”  

Sprigg also expressed concern about the implications of pushing such social engineering upon vulnerable children.

“It’s one thing for an adult to decide they want to be the opposite sex,” he said. ‘But for us to allow children to make these life-altering decisions – and even affirm and celebrate that – is particularly alarming.”

The bill will most likely pass the liberal congress and be signed into the law by the California's liberal governor, but it can at least start the debate around the rest of the country before similar laws come up in our state governments.

Can't we trade political correctness just this once for the safety and innocence of the kids?

Think about what is at stake – not only for children in California, but potentially across the country. The loss of innocence; a heightened risk for sexual assaults; a generation corrupted by an immoral agenda.

Our children are creations of God – male and female He created them.  However if this legislation passes, Californian kids will now be taught it’s up to them to choose their gender.


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