“…, he’s hot! Let’s hope he’s as easy to get as this birth control. My health insurance covers the pill, which means all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers.* I got insurance. Thanks Obamacare!”
Thus reads the caption of a new ad entitled “Let’s Get Physical” promoting Colorado’s health insurance exchange under ObamaCare. The ad is produced by Progress Now Colorado, a non-profit organization associated with the leftist financier, George Soros.
This ad joins a series of other ads by the same group promoting youthful debauchery as reason to sign up for ObamaCare.
One ad features a supposedly drunken young man – clad in shirt, socks, and shoes, but missing his pants – crouching on top of a beer keg stating: “Not sure how I ended up here perched on top of this keg. I could totally fall, but that’s OK. My budget will stay balanced even if I don’t because I got insurance. Now you can too. Thanks ObamaCare!
The “Get Your Shots” ad claims that saving money on flu shots leads to happiness – if the source of happiness is found in shots of tequila, as this ad suggests.
The tag line under a row of women taking shots of alcohol reads: “Shotskis keep us happy. Flu shots keep us healthy. Saving money on flu shots leaves us more money for fun shots. We got insurance. Now you can too. Thanks Obamacare!”
Still one other ad features a group of drunken guys doing handstands on beer kegs with the line: “Keg stands are crazy. Not having health insurance is crazier. Don’t tap into your beer money to cover those medical bills. We got it covered. Now you can too. Thanks ObamaCare!”
In other words – Go ahead, kids, drink yourselves into oblivion – ObamaCare has you covered when you wrap your car around a tree.
Apart from the poor grammar in these ads targeting college-educated adults, the “We Got Insurance” ads are so loathsome that if I didn’t know the truth I’d never believe these ads were real – I would’ve guessed that they were nothing more than a satirical farce. However, they are all too real – an ad campaign that reeks of desperation attempting to lure young adults to sign up for ObamaCare.
Yet, who is the target audience of these ads? Seemingly party-hardy college kids who like to get wasted and bed-hop from one partner to the next. However, if 26-year-olds can stay on their parents’ insurance under ObamaCare, I assume the ads are actually targeting 27-year-olds and older. Are most adults in this age group still having keg parties??
Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., had this to say about this latest ad and the series of ads in general: “It's degrading to women, and it says a lot about what they think of America's youth today. … They've turned ObamaCare into a story about pills and pilsners just trying to make a failed program work.”
However, while these ads are degrading and offensive, they are also promoting deadly lifestyles. In addition to the cavalier depiction of irresponsible drinking among young adults, the ads also send the message that sex is nothing more than a recreational sport – consequence-free – as long as you have your ObamaCare birth control.
Look at the “Let’s Get Physical” ad pictured above. “… Let’s hope he’s as easy to get as this birth control. My health insurance covers the pill, which means all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers.* I got insurance. Thanks Obamacare!”
Notice the asterisk in the middle of that tag line – right after “all I have to worry about is getting him between the covers.” That asterisk is there because Progress Now is covering their behinds from a potential lawsuit. That tiny little asterisk is there because preventing pregnancy with ObamaCare covered birth-control pills is not all young women need to worry about. The asterisk leads you to tiny print in the bottom of the ad which states: “The pill doesn’t protect you from STDs, condoms and common sense do that.”
Yet even that notation is a lie, which shouldn’t be all that surprising. It’s not the first lie associated with ObamaCare.
It may not be the first lie, but it’s a devastating one. Because condoms do not offer the protection that the progressive left has been teaching our youth for years. Condoms do nothing to protect from the vast majority of STDS – diseases and infections that often lead to infertility, cancer, and even death.
And there is no latex or pill that will protect the heart and the soul. Sex, as we wrote recently, is not the moral equivalent of a handshake. To treat it as such leads to emotional heartache and spiritual consequences.
This past September we hosted motivational speaker Pam Stenzel who speaks to half a million high school kids a year at school assemblies and youth conferences. She teaches something very different from the “wear a condom, you’ll be fine” message that is so prevalent today. These ads promoting ObamaCare send one message to our youth – Pam Stenzel sends another. Our culture bombards young people with the first message – these ads are just one example. However, Pam Stenzel’s message of sexuality as God designed is rarely heard.
We often have an action point in our emails – contacting corporations, advertisers, government officials. Today I give you a different action point.
I urge you to share Pam Stenzel’s message with the young people within your sphere of influence – children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, church youth groups.
Order the DVD of Pam’s powerful presentation – “Now You Know.” The cost is just $7. Watch it for yourself and I am convinced you will want to share it with others! After hearing Pam’s message, one attendee told me – every church youth group needs to hear this! I think you will feel the same.
Click here to order this powerful presentation, or call us at 1-888-733-2326.
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