Immigration Debate is All About Border Security

By: American Decency Staff

There's a fundamental conflict at the heart of the Senate debate over the Gang of Eight comprehensive immigration reform bill. Most Republicans believe a policy to integrate 11 million currently illegal immigrants into American society must be conditioned on stronger border security and internal enforcement. Most Democrats don't. At bottom, that's what the fight is about.

Most Republicans believe security must come before integration, in one of two ways. Some believe enhanced security must be in place — not a plan, but a reality — before the 11 million can be granted temporary legal status. (In the world of the Senate, "temporary" means six to 10 years.) It's probably fair to say that a majority of the Republican voting base holds that opinion.

Other Republicans believe enhanced security must be in place — again, reality, not a plan — before the legalized immigrants can move on, after 10 years, to permanent legal resident status, signified by a green card, and ultimately on to citizenship.

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