How Men Can Be a ‘Superhero’

By: American Decency Staff

You can trace almost every social ill in America today to the breakdown of family, and specifically to the absence of masculine leadership, Laurie said as he began his sermon, "Needed Superheroes," on Father's Day.

"At the beginning of the 21st century, American men are choosing to disconnect from family life on a massive scale… In 1960, fewer than 6 million children lived in single parent families; today that number is 22 million," he added.

Laurie shared stats as evidence.

"Fatherless children are anywhere from a 100 to 200 percent more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems. A child that comes from a fatherless home is 68 percent more likely to use drug or alcohol, far more likely to become sexually active at an early age, and three times more likely to commit a violent crime. Sixty-three percent of teenagers who attempt suicide come from fatherless homes. Seventy-one percent of high school dropouts come from fatherless homes. Ninety percent of our homeless and runaway children are again from fatherless homes. Eighty percent of all who are sitting in prison today grew up in fatherless homes."

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