Hannibal – “repulsive and soul-depleting”

By: American Decency Staff

Before writing this piece, I did an online search of reviews of NBC’s new show “Hannibal.”  As expected, the secular entertainment writers are ecstatic over this gruesome and sadistic TV program.

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Of course the reviewers must think they’re quite clever in their trite descriptions of a show with cannibalism as a weekly theme as they attempt to use every culinary term imaginable to describe this detestable show.  The following are just a few reviewers’ comments:

“A tasty thriller.”  “NBC’s new horror drama a tasty treat.”  “A bloody good meal.”  “Deliciously disturbing, Hannibal is bound to leave viewers hungry for more.”

As you may recall, “Hannibal” is a new crime drama about an FBI profiler tracking serial killers who enlists the help of psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter, who, unbeknownst to the FBI, is also a psychotic serial killer who eats the bodies of his victims.

Yes, that is how far we have fallen as a culture in America today when cannibalism is featured on a network TV show – as entertainment!   Where a demented serial killer is portrayed not as a villain, but as what can best be described as a hero.  A show swimming in moral relativity where horrific killing is examined from a psychological viewpoint, but not a moral one. 

And it’s not just the theme of the show that is abhorrent.  Each week horrifically gruesome scenes are depicted of bloody bodies impaled, filleted, etc.  The writer of one of the glowing reviews I read, while praising the show, acknowledged surprise that such stomach-churning imagery would air on network television. 

This reviewer described the most recent episode as “… another wonderfully macabre, grisly and fascinating tale. Fuller and his writers are going to some very twisted, creative places with their killers here. The mixture of beautiful and grotesque that was the “angels” in this episode is certainly an example of that, and once more, I’m somewhat amazed this is airing on network TV.”

Of all the reviews I read, there’s only one, The Daily Beast, that came out and called this show what it is – repulsive.

The Daily Beast reviewer writes:  “… Lest I haven’t made it clear enough yet: I find Hannibal generally repulsive and definitely tiresome. All of this talent and effort to burnish a (and let’s face it, that’s what he is here) hero who maims, kills, and eats people (most of them female) while feeling nothing regarding their suffering:  ick, to use the shortest, most polite word.

… I admit that my capacity to consume entertainment death has been curtailed in the post–Newtown, Connecticut, era. I just don’t find this stuff very amusing anymore. Part of me has come to understand … that being repeatedly exposed to such material can seem soul-depleting.”

Soul-depleting.  What an accurate description of a show that feeds people pure evil.  I’ll spare you descriptions of the gruesome violence and cannibalistic scenes. In addition, Hannibal also advances Hollywood’s favorite theme – misrepresenting God.  Each week there has been blasphemous elements – depicting God as taking delight in killing.  This latest episode was no different claiming God “abandons His creations” and blames God for the serial killer’s actions.

The difference between this show and other gritty crime dramas on television is that “Hannibal” isn’t a show about good vs. evil – of justice prevailing over depraved humanity.  On “Hannibal” depraved evil is the central theme of a show whose main character is a cannibalistic murderer.

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