The season finale of Glee aired this past Thursday. Season 4 ended with the same tired, gay agenda-pushing theme that has marked nearly every episode this season.
It should come as no surprise since “Glee” is the baby of the openly gay creator/producer Ryan Murphy. Murphy has a long history of shoving his agenda.
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As you may recall, one of Murphy’s other pet shows we monitored this past season was “The New Normal” – also promoting the liberal and gay agenda. “The New Normal” on the surface was about two gay men who hire a surrogate to have a baby for them to parent, but in actuality the show’s central focus was trashing Christianity and the traditional values held by millions of families.
Each week we asked you, our readers, to send a message to the advertisers who sponsored “The New Normal.” Thousands of you did and sponsors’ inboxes were flooded with emails week after week, letting them know that we would not support companies empowering a show that mocked and undermined our values. In addition, viewers who turn on their TVs to be entertained, not sermonized, tuned out the agenda-pushing “The New Normal.” Ratings for the show were very anemic. So with little support, NBC announced last week that “The New Normal” was officially cancelled!
Yet “Glee” is a different story. In its first couple of seasons “Glee” was a huge ratings success. It also was more insidious – especially in the first season – of pushing an agenda. In a classic bait-and-switch, viewers were drawn in by the catchy song and dance numbers, lulling them to overlook the growing attacks upon their values.
However, some of the proverbial frogs in the kettle are realizing the water is getting hot and are jumping ship. As Murphy has increased his push of the gay agenda on “Glee,” ratings have been steadily dropping.
It’s also quite telling to read online comments from Glee’s viewers. The following are a number of viewer remarks posted in response to a Yahoo entertainment story about Glee’s season finale:
– Glee was great in the first two seasons. Music great with an anti-bullying theme. Now it is basically a gay program. Unless the producers change back to its original format, Glee is out the door.
– I remember when it was a fun show that showcased their musical talent. Now it's either an episode of teen angst or the writers expressing their liberal views.
– No longer about just good songs and competition, but the gay agenda is getting too much attention for me.
– This has become a homosexual show, and even my 9 year old daughter wondered aloud if there was something better on.
– PC Glee. I quit watching 2 yrs. ago. Nothing but proselytizing propaganda.
– We get it Murphy, your gay and your agenda is gay. Season 5 will be one big gay orgy…
– The only unanswered question is when is this gay show going to end?
– I have watched this season, kinda sad that I couldn't let my daughter, we have always shared Glee but only after I previewed it. The audience previous seasons aimed to allowed a pre-teen audience with the skip of an occasional scene or a talk before or after watching. This season was strictly NOT for that age group. Don't complain about your numbers dropping when you change your audience. … Don't know if I will give it one more chance.
– The show is just gay porn for kids.
– Stopped watching after season 2. Started becoming too gay. Sorry. I know I'll get backlash but I felt like it was becoming a PSA or after school special being shoved down my throat.
– Glee is so heavy into social agendas that are still not main stream, uhhhhh, comfortable. Too much so for me. I stopped watching this show last year and I won't be back. The problem is, I loved the singing and seeing the talent.
– Like most shows the writers are pushing their liberal views………I used to like it as well. Singing was great. I especially "hated 'it" when they had the downs syndrome girl shoot the (gun)……….what a way to already add to the beliefs that mentally challenged individuals are unstable.
Last Thursday’s season finale of “Glee” featured a bi-sexual high school girl who has gone back and forth between having sex with boys and girls. She’s now broken up with her boyfriend because, as she states, she’s “missing sweet, sweet lady kisses.” She says she now is a “lady lover.”
Another major storyline is homosexual high school student Blaine who buys a ring to propose marriage to his “boyfriend” Kurt. He rejoices because homosexuals are “finally able to be legally married” – (at least in some states.) Blaine and Kurt befriend a middle-age lesbian couple – portrayed by Patty Duke and the recently self-declared lesbian Meredith Baxter of “Family Ties” fame – who mentor the teenage homosexual boys. The lesbian couple bemoan how discriminated against they have been, having to hide their “love” in years past. The scene ends with the two women dining with Blaine and Kurt in a restaurant. One of the lesbians gets down on one knee to propose to her “partner” while the entire restaurant erupts in applause.
Remember that teen and pre-teen youth make up a large segment of Glee’s targeted audience. These children and young people are easily indoctrinated to accept the sympathetic portrayal of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender) lifestyle pushed by Glee. Instead of condemning bullying, Glee has become the bully as it labels anyone who doesn’t accept their homosexual agenda as a “hater” and, as was stated by one of the characters, of “being on the wrong side of history.”
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