By Bill Johnson
Mark your calendar and register below
Who: Frank Gaffney
Where: Grand Rapids, Hilton (airport)
When: Saturday, October 26 – 9:00 – 11:30 A.M. see details below —
One of the things that haunts me is the recognition that as America goes so goes the Free World.
If we lose the freedom to speak out, stand for Biblical principles and oppose that which is evil, what will it be like in a tyrannical America and in an increasingly tyrannical world?
Godly principles will be further expunged from public school classrooms. Homosexuality, same-sex marriage, Planned Parenthood and GLBT will be advanced and rewarded while Biblical principles of abstinence, traditional marriage, pro-life will be denigrated and dismantled.
Each of us would describe how that will look like but make no mistake: It will be anti-life, anti-God, lawless, and will diminish the image of God in man as reprobation further advances.
As our government is becoming increasingly emboldened, it will reward their friends and punish their enemies. (i.e. barricade the national monuments and lock up the restrooms near the monuments to make it difficult for visitors – including World War II veterans.) This is child's play compared to what it will be. We will be led by Islamists, anti-Constitutionalists, socialists and communists. But wait, some of you may be thinking: We already are. Yet, as the old adage goes “We ain’t seen nothing yet” if we lose our freedoms!
Due to the advanced attack upon freedom worldwide and in America, I want to personally invite and urgently encourage you to come and to bring others to hear one of America’s great warriors for the Free World, Frank Gaffney. It will be no holds barred in what will be a very exhilarating presentation.
On Saturday, October 26, American Decency Association hosts a morning conference that we are aptly calling the Battle for the Free World.
When: Saturday, October 26, 2013
9:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.
Where:Hilton Hotel (airport)
4747 28th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Pre-registering will help assure a seat
Pre-register – click here
What others say about Frank Gaffney:
Hugh Hewitt– Nationally Syndicated Talk Show Host
Frank Gaffney is the most serious, careful, consistently objective national security analyst available to the national media … He doesn’t varnish, he doesn’t spin, and he doesn’t care about who is angry or happy with him. He focuses relentlessly on the national security of the United States.
A faculty member from Cornerstone University as he heard Gaffney’s presentation at last year’s October presentation in Grand Rapids.
“Jaw dropping presentation. I had absolutely no idea.”
The following short clip gives a glimpse of why Gaffney is considered so cutting edge.
Click here.
Frank Gaffney quotes:
"Because the fight is about nothing less than about whether there will continue to be a Free World, one in which we are able to speak, publish, assemble, vote, and practice our religions as we wish, ceding more ground to our enemies will only bring closer the day when we can no longer do any of these things.
Whether we are able to bequeath to our heirs a society like the American one we have been privileged to live in and love will be determined in no small measure by whether we use the instruments at our disposal properly and to a far greater degree than we have thus far.”
Click here to register.
When: Saturday, October 26, 2013
9:00 A.M. – 11:30 A.M.
Where: Hilton Hotel (airport)
4747 28th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
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